We are juniors soon to be seniors. Meaning we have been together for a year and some change. Throughout this year he has done some pretty messed up things to me. He’s texted other girls, shared my videos, and we broke up a while back in December because he cheated on me. However we got back together and he’s been wonderful. He’s been taking me out on dates doesn’t have social media anymore, treating me like royalty. But there’s something different within me. I recently went to a skating rink and a fellow junior in my school kept following me. Not in a weird way but he wanted to talk to me and he was giving me attention even though I shout him down. But recently I’ve been thinking about that boy and everytime im sitting in the lunchroom with my bf I can’t help but look for him. I know it sounds wrong but I like him. And I want him but I don’t want to leave my bf. I’ve never been the cheating type. I don’t know if he wore me out or if I’m settling because I have attachment issues. But I should mention that he is my first everything. We met when I was 16 and when I say first everything I mean everything. I never played with boys talked to them otw had “hoes” growing up. But he did. He had his fun with girls so he’s okay with settling down. After that interaction with that boy, I’m confused. I don’t know what I want anymore and it’s tearing me apart. What should I do? Please help me.

1 comment
  1. I know this response is all too common on this subreddit, but you gotta break up with him. He cheated on you, and it doesn’t seem like you’re all that into him really. You’re into that other guy, so go for him instead.

    Relationships can be hard to break, and sometimes people don’t want to be confrontational or the bearer of bad news. But sometimes it’s just what you need to do. So buck up! The sooner it’s over with, the better it will be for you and for him.

    Also, you’re so young and frankly don’t need a high level of commitment in your life just yet. I would recommend having fun for the next several years and spend time getting to know what makes you happy and what you value in a relationship most without getting too attached to anyone.

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