People with stronger personality have stronger connection with people like big bussines man , politicians etc

I tried sometime but I was in social anxiety I thought what they will think that I am chasing them
But there isn’t an other option
I can talk to them or I can make them just friend but ( not closer ) so I couldn’t ask them for a help
If I would than might they could said me No that’s why I couldn’t make a stronger bond

Kindly share your experience

  1. You clearly want to use them for their power and status and have nothing to offer in return. The answer to your question is don’t.

    If you want to run for city council / host a benefit / start your own business you might have a chance of naturally meeting these people in a normal social setting. But it requires being close to their level already or having something to offer that is applicable to them.

    Stop thinking at all about what you can gain from being “friends” with people, and start thinking about what you can offer.

  2. You have to exhibit a convincing reason for them to connect with you. In other words, What are they going to get out of connecting with you ? The truth is millions of other people want to connect with these higher status people, but very few people actually stand out and offer value.

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