I was hanging out with a friend and a third person (social butterfly) swung by and joined the conversation. All of a sudden I got left out and became the background of the conversation and eventually I felt extremely embarrassed.

Would like to know if anyone else had the same experience.

1 comment
  1. Oh yeah, every single person you know has been the third wheel in a conversation.

    It sucks, its embarassing, and it makes you feel a certain type of way. But in reality, the other 2 people talking usually don’t notice when this happens, and don’t mean anything by it. So don’t get in your head about it at all.

    The key is to weasle your way back into the conversation. It’s not particularly something we want to do, but may be something we *have* to do in order to avoid the awkwardness. So usually I listen to their conversation, and find something to ask about their conversation. Curiosity and questions are ALWAYS conversation starters! For example:

    Person A: I went to Wisconsin last weekend and tried their x, y and z.

    Person B: Dude I just went to Wisconsin last month with my family.

    Person A: oh, did you check out x, y and z?

    Person B: yeah, x, y and z were sooo dope! You gotta see such and such next time you go out there….

    This is where you come in…

    You: Man, that sounds cool guys, what type of attractions do they have in Wisconsin?

    Hope this helps…

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