What is your favorite type of kiss?

  1. Forehead kisses from my husband. I don’t know what it is about a well placed forehead kiss but I’m here for it. I wake up hours before him. When he wakes up, he always places a kiss on my forehead first thing because he knows how much I love it.

  2. It’s gotta be casual, reverent hand kisses. They’re hard to come by because the circumstances have to be just right, but when I’m doing my own thing and someone takes my hand and starts kissing it slowly and gently out of nowhere, I absolutely lose it. Especially if they’re not trying to initiate anything, they just see my hand and think, “that needs kissed.” That’s game over for me, I melt

  3. Neck kisses. They give me goosebumps and tingles all over and leave me with a feeling of euphoria.

  4. when he puts his hand around my neck n kisses me at the same time😩🥺

  5. The ones you get after you haven’t seen each other for a very long time. The gentle ones from any loved one that convey how much they care about you. I’m a softie- I like the soft kisses that make me feel safe

  6. The spontaneous quick kisses on the head, cheeks or anywhere really that my husband just gives me throughout the day. They’re a small sign of affection from him and he usually accompanies them with a hug.

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