Quick background story behind the question. Back in October I was dating this girl for about 3 weeks and it was a fun time. Similar sense of humor, detailed and engaging convos, the whole lot.

At a point where it was “just about to” transition into a relationship, she started slowing down her replies to my texts, and ghosted for about 3 days, after which point she sent a message (paraphrased version):

“I need to tell you something. I’ve held a meeting with my multiple personalities about a lot of things in my life including our dating. They’ve decided that it’s best if we don’t text or see each other anymore. I’m really sorry.”

Generally speaking, the whole “multiple personality” thing sounds off about 150 different alarm bells. However, we’ve always mutually joked around in our communication so the message fits the joking tone we had.

While I was surprised considering how well the dates went, I said “Thank you for the honesty and no need to apologize. You have all the right to feel any way you feel and do whatever it is that you feel is best for you. Wish you all the best”

That was pretty much that. We still followed each other on Instagram, but I didn’t send any further messages and pretty much just moved on. However, just recently, I posted a story to Instagram and she replied to it with a joke. We exchanged a couple of messages and that was that, as if the whole “best if we don’t message” thing never happened.

This made me think – What’s the mentality of someone that cuts off ties, no longer wants to text or see each other, but then just randomly gets in touch as if nothing happened?

Not asking from a mean-spirited point of view, but just genuinely interested. From my perspective, if I ever felt that way about someone (dont want to text or see each other any more), I’d probably cut ties entirely, or at the very least not engage in discussion with the other side.

1 comment
  1. Sometimes you can cut a tie with someone because you found something better, then when that doesn’t work out return to the person you have already laid some groundwork with 🤷‍♂️

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