When did you realise you needed to change your way in life? And how did you do it?

  1. After playing decades of traditional Golf and spending tens of thousands of dollars on it, I discovered disc golf and now that’s all I ever play or think about.

    Not only is it a lot cheaper because the vast majority of courses are free, it’s got a wonderful community of people who play it and bottom line for me Disc Golf is a lot more fun because I can do a lot more with the flight of a disc than I can with a ball.

  2. Finishing college and had to REALLY decide what I wanted to do with my life. No more putting off the inevitable. But what happened in that same moment was, I met a girl. A very very special girl. I saw my future with her and that caused me to get really serious about a lot of things. So it was fortuitous that it all happened at the same time.

  3. Several years ago, I was/am an alcoholic, if I keep going the way I used to, I would not reach age 50 and the manner in which would hurt me and everyone that ever cared for me immensely. I drank daily, and still relapse from time to time, but it’s come very close to liver failure and I’ve seen that happen to others, it is a long, drawn-out process that I would not want to see happen to anyone else, least of all myself.

  4. College Part 1- I was not prepared and bombed early. Thankful I had parents who had me in check and though at the time I was mad about it, they yanked me from school and I finished at a commuter college and worked during that time – helped a lot on the discipline side of things in general.

    College Part 2: worked in a career for a huge chunk of my twenties and just wasnt feeling it long term. Went back to school and got a Master’s degree – has worked out nicely; I enjoy the line of work, the mission of the work, and feel there are enough opportunities and challenges to sustain me. Pripr college/work really prepared me for fulltime work and schooling all at once here – still mad at the one B+ in Admin. Law 😂

    Really, Bad Work Environment: Had a job that completely demoralized me and in turn not just questioned my work/career side but just myself in general. Have since moved on and it has really helped me put a lot of various things in perspective and I am all the better from it.

  5. Living paycheck to paycheck for my entire adulthood. I am changing that by joining the military. I ship out next week

  6. I was a really rebellious teenager, in and out of juvenile detention a few times for drugs, and fighting. My parents were gone a lot and I fell in with a bad crowd and really didn’t care about school or my future and just thought I’d let life take me wherever it did necause nothing really mattered. When I was 16 someone came to buy weed from a friend I was hanging out with and brought his girlfriend along. She was the absolute prettiest girl I have ever seen, and I don’t mean hott in some trophy partner way, just that she was nice, friendly, and for whatever reason I could see my entire future with her almost immediately. I saw a life with more happiness and depth than I could’ve imagined. And I’m still not sure how it just immediately struck me that way but it did. I quickly figured out that if I was ever going to have someone like her in my life that I needed to bring more to the table and be more than some burnout that I currently was. So I spent the rest of my high school period working harder, took my grades more seriously, and pursued a real career with a better future than I ever cared about before.

  7. When I was in prison.

    Had the time and the nothing else to do but ponder over how, I as an intelligent and capable person, continually fucked myself over.

    Got out. A much calmer and more IDGAF person. I walk slower, more deliberate. And just have utterly no desire to communicate with someone whom I don’t see green flags on.

    Life’s too short for all the shit and shit people I was involved with.

  8. 19 years old. I moved 1000 miles away and cut everyone off. It’s been 12 years of growth since then and I’m still going, but I’m a completely different person now. My girlfriend has straight up told me that had she met me back then, she wouldn’t have even considered dating me (and I couldn’t blame her)

  9. Back before the turn of the century (I love saying that) I was all “dude weed, lmao, 420 blaze it 4 lyfe” and I was donating plasma to pay my bills. A lot of my friends were getting into computers, so I kind of tagged along, got some certs, got a job, got a degree, got a better job, and kept going up from there.

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