Just to say immediately: I have a bit weird relationships with my parents so I don’t think my opinion is fully relevant.

My bf went to his holiday home with his mom to paint the rooms. I am working over the weekend and so is his dad. There are 3 bedrooms and only one has TV, they slept together in bed in the one that has TV.

They have a pretty much normal (for my standards) relationship, she is sometimes overwhelming, like agreeing with him even when she has no clue about the topic, but my mom does exactly the same with my brother so I’m used to it.

I really don’t want to make it weird just because I can’t imagine my brother sleeping in bed with our mother and I really don’t want to be cringe and mention it to him.

It just felt a bit weird when he sent me picture and I saw the two of them, that’s it.

Thank you in advance for answers.

  1. They watched TV together and went to sleep in the same place. They’re sleeping, not spooning. Why wash two sets of sheets and remake two bedrooms if they don’t need it? He’s not hiding anything.

    If it wouldn’t be weird if he were a daughter or if it were him and his dad sharing a bed, it’s not actually that weird.

  2. I dunno. I (44F) share a bed with my mom sometimes when we are traveling and in hotels along with others. Same with some of my friends. Especially if we are camping and are sharing a tent and an air mattress.

    Seems to me that this isn’t a regular occurrence by any stretch, they just kind of had a “slumber party” watching TV.

    I wouldn’t find it that weird in a one off.

  3. You’re worried about his mom? Really? She gave birth to him and changed his freakin diapers! They were just having a bonding moment over the TV and you go there mentally?

  4. When I read the title, I thought yes, that’s weird af but your explanation of it makes it a different situation. I think that is normal

  5. it’s not weird it sounds like it’s just something they did on that occasion so they could both watch tv in bed

  6. Not weird in many cultures. They’re just sitting on the bed watching tV or sleeping 🤷🏽‍♀️

  7. I dated a guy who had a strannnnnge relationship with his mother. If it were him, yes, it would creep me out.

    But for “normal” people who want to watch TV, no it isn’t weird.

  8. Did he actually say they slept in the same bed? Cause from what you’re saying he just sent a picture and they’re both in it in that room? Could it be they’re just watching TV and then sleeping separately?

    In any case I don’t think it’s anything to be concerned about specifically, but it might be an indicator for a “mama’s boy” situation going on that might cause issues in other places at some point? Just keep an eye open for other issues.

  9. This weekend. I slept in the same bed as my father and mother and 2 of my niblings (not all at the same time cuz of space) because the kids loves snuggles.

    It’s only weird if you make it weird.

  10. To me this would be weird but I was raised in a non affectionate family who don’t hug or say “I love you” regularly. I think most people wouldn’t think it’s that odd, but for me it feels strange to think about. It’s not even about it being sexual obviously I don’t think he was having sex with his mom. I just think that level of closeness with a parent at that age is weird. To me ones bed is an intimate place for only you or you and your partner but I know this isn’t how most people view this.

  11. All either of them wanted was the TV. They fell asleep watching the TV. Used to happen in my family all the time. Trust me all anyone did was watch TV.

  12. Everybody has their own weird things. Unless you have other reasons to believe their relationship lacks appropriate boundaries, it’s just one of those things.

    I used to think kids and parents who kissed on the lips were weird. Now some of my kids insist on it with me and it just seems normal because I’ve been doing that with them since they were babies. (Just a normal peck on the lips, of course.) But there are also families who would never do that, and that’s fine for the.

  13. It’s quite common in some cultures. I (33f) share a bed with my mum if needed (can’t be bothered going home late at night etc) and my teen son only refuses now because I snore too loudly, but will if it’s that or the floor.

  14. Did he sleep in that room because they painted the other rooms? If so that makes sense because paint smells and all.

  15. Not weird imo. I’m 35 and would sleep in the same bed as my mum if travelling or something..

  16. Besides this – are there any other red flags about their relationship? If this is the only one I’d be fine. Sounds like the watched TV till late and fell asleep

  17. Stop projecting anything sexual or harmful onto what sounds like a normal interaction. I have three grown sons. We often will watch tv in my room while I’m falling asleep, they go to their own bed. Or if they fell asleep who would care? Not that they often do that, but since we are family and very close, this is a normal interaction.

  18. My daughter(26F) and I are close but live a day’s drive apart. When she comes back home, she sleeps in my bed sometimes because we want to watch some tv, hang out, and fall asleep. Usually just the first night and not always, but I never thought it was weird.

  19. I sometimes sleep in the bed with my dad, especially when I have a cold and he looks after me. He can be awake watching the TV or just take a nap. The bed is big and I don’t see an issue with it.

    I’m not often there to visit but when I am I feel protected and safe taking a nap next to my dad. Even if we sit on the couch, I will lean up to him and rest my head on his stomach. Best naps ever.

  20. In a relationship with appropriate boundaries being physically affectionate with your parents is completely fine. I (32f) have slept cuddling my mom as an adult, cuddle my brothers and sisters, and still kiss my mother on the lips. Its never been remotely sexual. It’s ok to love each other.

  21. Definitely weird by my standards, but every family is different. I can’t imagine in a million years that there is anything sexual about it, otherwise he wouldn’t be sending pictures lol.

  22. When we do overnights at my dad’s hospital I share with my mum. I have to pay the room cost and usually the option is a king or 2 rooms and nahh

  23. Damn i sleep around the house, sometimes in presence of others fam members, that’s not weird

  24. He sent you a photo of them watching TV together and your head went to THAT place?


  25. I’m 40F and hop in bed and watch TV with my mom all the time and sometimes fall asleep. It’s not weird.

  26. The title is so much more horrific than the explanation, I feel like I got my banjo out for nothing.

  27. Not weird. My kiddos wouldnt have a problem sleeping in the same bed with me for vacations or anything really. For reference, they are 25,25,22. If they dont feel like making up a bed, they would just be like ‘scoot over, I’m crashing with you’. I have a mix of sons and daughters. This isnt a big deal at all.

  28. My sister sleeps in my bed when she spends the night, there’s nothing gross about it cuz we’re literally just sleeping and it doesn’t happen all the time.

    I think they just wanted to be comfortable and having to share a bed was the only way to do it

  29. He sent you a picture of him and his mom watching tv together and that’s what popped into your head?! I would say you’re the weird one here…

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