It’s a bad trait to have, and I know this full well.

I asked this girl out last Saturday and we went to dinner last night. It was a great time and a fun conversation, although I didn’t get nearly enough time to spend with her because of a team obligation.

I don’t think I gave her any reason to dislike me, but there is a nagging fear of ghosting that’s been bothering me all day long. It happened with another girl just a couple of weeks ago, and I was a wreck for several days.

I haven’t heard from her all day long. I know she’s probably busy, and there’s no logical reason to worry. She even invited me to a Discord server full of her friends, which means she trusts me at least somewhat.

But the paranoia remains, and it is something I need to purge as soon as possible if I’m going to keep a relationship in any capacity.

Are there any mental exercises or tips I can do to fix this?

TL;DR: Unreasonable paranoia about ghosting after one first date. Need help getting over this fear.

  1. Have you googled how to manage obsessive thoughts? Or how to manage unproductive worrying. Thats a good place to start.

  2. The best thing you can do is stay busy and fulfilled in your life. I find that when I have a lot going on, I am too busy to spend time obsessively worrying about a date.

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