My fiancee and I have lived together a year now and when we first got together we made love several times a day and now I’m lucky if it’s every other week.i get that he’s tired but I I see that I have a much higher sex drive than he.he’s 38 and I’m 41,so how do I tell him I want to have more sex like we were in the beginning? I mean I know we’ve been busy but I miss him

  1. Just say it. Have a conversation about how often you have sex. It’ll likely be eye opening as to how you two may differ in how you view it. A libido mismatch is tough, but it’s even tougher if you aren’t talking about it.

  2. Ask With Your Body. You don’t have to use your words to ask for sex. You can do it with your ass instead.

    The [easiest way to show your man that you are very open to getting fucked]( is to start grinding him during a cuddle session.

    Do it subtly at first, like you are just shifting your hips to get more comfortable. If he reacts by giving your hips a squeeze, running his hand closer to your inner thighs, or pressing himself against you, then take things further.

    Arch your back and push against him so he knows exactly what you want. If he responds to that at all, then start grinding.

    At that point, you would be pretty much dry humping him with your butt. That’s the brightest green light you can give him. All he has to do is keep escalating until you’re doing something a lot more fun than cuddling.

    If you’re too shy to ask for sex, send signals with your body instead. Move things along slowly and see if he picks up on it.

    Another way is to Get Things Started Over Text. Texting feels a bit safer and that lets you be yourself. you can text whatever comes to your mind, even if you might hesitate before saying it out loud.

    You could tell him [“I could use a pussy massage, tonight!”](

    Or you could keep it real simple and text him to meet you in the bedroom.

    Even shy girls can be bold over text. Use it to your advantage.

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