I just realized all my life i did that, even when the other person was clearly interested in me. Hell i was twice in bed with one and i didn’t do anything, not even joking, thinking back on it i don’t even know why. Not even talking about how many times i liked a girl and didn’t aproached her, because “its not the right time” or other stupid fake reason. And i’m straight. Sometimes when i know she is in my grasp i tend to be pleased with this and ignore her. Why? I HAVE NO CLUE. If you can relate, i’m happy to hear your story too. Sorry for eventual gramatical errors.

  1. You have low self esteem, so you should try to find a way to boost your confidence, learn to love yourself and it will get easier to show love to others

  2. If you’re struggling to make a move, just tell her that. “I like you and I want to kiss you but I’m a bit nervous at the moment.” If she’s into it she will pretty much jump on you. And if she’s not it’s less awkward.

  3. It’s wishful thinking that you let some thing go away when in reality they just weren’t that into you so they didn’t push that much for you to notice.

    Also, the context of being on a bed is important otherwise you could be doing something that’s just creepy i.e. if a friend just needed to crash on your bed due to an emergency that doesn’t mean she wants to sleep with you.

  4. Why you focused on women? Get some whores and go back to focusing on real goals in life.

  5. The easiest way is to start picking up random other girls, setting up dates, and getting into the mode of starting relationships that you know are going to be temporary. Have fun. Do interesting new things. I bet you meet someone you actually start to like and the relationship will start itself.

  6. Story of my life, growing up I was taught to hate, or rather learned to hate myself for not being what school, teachers, peers, and my dad all felt was normal.
    I still hate myself (though it has lessened over the years.) and like Jim Henson once said, “nothing in nature which freezes your heart like years of being alone”. Long story short, I’ve reached the point of emotional and mental exhaustion, I’m alone and I don’t care anymore, I’m 40, overweight, ugly and I don’t care.

  7. This is called avoidant behaviors, you’ll want to check out freetoattach.com, it’s a great resource for recognizing this behavior and improving connections to others in general, not just with women.

    If it helps on a motivational level, consider the old quote “Pain beats regret every day of the week and twice on Sundays.” Collecting what-ifs can be strangely comforting, I get it been the story of my life but the problem is those ghosts will suddenly COME ALIVE LIKE FUCKING ZOMBIES once you’re in the relationship you do want to be in, particularly when things get tough.

    Don’t hold your future partner responsible for your years of cowardice like I did.

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