Me and my fiancé have been with each other for almost 8 years now and in a happy relationship. My partner goes out quite regularly with his friends for drinks in the
evening time, however once in occasion I will ask if I can join him as we rarely go out for drinks, in which his answers is always “no it’s just friends not partners.” I completely trust my partner, however it makes me feel quite sad that he has never not even once invited me. I have only met his friends once but that was because we unexpectedly bumped into them, however my boyfriend never introduced me and his friends never even looked at me, so i just let him do his thing but felt very disregarded afterwards. He is always messaging them and talks so much about them and it makes me sad that he doesn’t want me to have any part in it. I completely understand that it’s healthy to want some space in a relationship, however to not even invite me once over 4 years. AMIT

  1. So you’ve been together and not once has he introduced his friends? Will the first time you meet them be at your wedding?

  2. well you can go to the same bar without him knowing and see if theres a female there that he doesnt want you there. But the fact that he is so close with them and yet doesnt like you around them is very suspicious. He could be thinking they wont like you/ they would be accidentally telling you things about him you dont wanna know/ or he kinda doesnt want them to know he has a gf.

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