What’s that single thing that made a huge impact on self improvement?

  1. Necessity. Learning to cook, for example, is much easier when nobody else cooks for you.

  2. Literally being written off by everyone up until my mid 20s. Now I’m very healthy, gained a lot of weight (I was incredibly skinny), 100x more confident, great job, and i have a girlfriend and the cutest 2 year old daughter.

    Who’s a loser now Jana??

  3. Start to treat myself as somebody I love very much and feel compassion for myself too.
    Look the way you talk to yourself, how you se yourself, etc…
    Sometimes the first victim of your actions and feelings is you. And can not change a damn thing until you address that.

  4. Decreasing my social media usage and talking to people in real life instead

  5. Discipline.

    There is no secret formula.it’s boring. It’s mundane. It’s cliche. Discipline is the only way to actually better yourself.

  6. Making more money than I spent. Living comfortably within my means was a huge lift of stress from my life I didn’t even know I had. It freed me to pursue self improvement. Without that, I would’ve stayed in survival mode.

  7. I change my self ,for to be a good person and to have more friends.
    I don’t heve more, but I have some ho are very good friends

  8. Honestly when i quit smoking weed. Now i do believe marijuanna can be a very helpful medicine for a lot of different illnesses, however I was severely depressed and anxious and had quit taking my antidepressants because the weed almost canceled it out. In my case in particular i was addicted (more of a mental/emotional addiction as opposed to a physical addiction) and used it to try and not feel anything and because of that i could never hold a job. I quit about 3 years ago and because i quit, i was forced to actually confront my depression instead of always getting high. Now im not fully 100% cured of depression of course, but ive had a steady job for the past 3 years and have actually worked my way up from the lowest position (prep-cook) to a much more paying and more responsible position (medication technician, i work at an assisted living facility)

  9. I quit vaping about two months ago. Shortly after I stopped eating microwave food and actually learned to cook healthy meals. Don’t think about a nic fix and I’ve lost about 10ish pounds. Did wonders on mental health

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