So basically I’m 16 and have never been great at taking to people, like I have friends but never do anything outside of school. I really wanna get more out there and start talking to more people, making friends and hanging out with people outside school but I just can’t, I’m not that confident and am not to good socially (social anxiety and awkwardness). How should I go about this? I really wanna make memories and don’t want to spend the summer not seeing anybody.

  1. Accept that you suck at everything to start and only get better with practice. If you want things to go amazing and you’re gonna make so many friends by telling amazing stories and never be awkward, you’re gonna go out there and be awkward and feel terrible and never go out again

    But if you accept that you will be awkward, and that you are going out to learn and improve yourself, and how brave that fucking is of you, then you’re gonna keep going out there and seeing improvement everyday

  2. Everyone have social anxiety and awkwardness at some point, try to ask the friends you already have if they wants to go out with you, or if they have anything ahead that you can join to. If no one wants to include you, don’t let that stop you from doing anything outside your school, find public events and have fun there.

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