My girlfriend and I have been dating for 3 months now and up until now everything has been great, no fights or discussions, but last thursday she invited me to spend some time at her house, I told her I was busy but I was going to make some time for us, but just minutes before the time we established to see each other she sent me a message saying that we were not going to see each other because her mom invited her to dinner, I told her that we had already made plans and she said can’t say no to her mom, I told her “ok, you do you” and she said that we could still see each other on the weekend , I didn´t read that message because I was somewhat pissed because she was the one that began the plan and cancelled so abruptly, but the thing that pissed me the most was that she didn’t even apologize, then the next day I woke up and she sent me a message saying “I’m already back home, if were asking about it…”, quite the sarcastic remark from her part.

The morning of that friday we were sending each other messages responding in a bland manner, meaning we were both pissed. At the end I told her that I wasn’t going to be able to go out with her on the weekend because I was going to be busy, which was true but also because I was still mad (I know it was something real petty from my part) and I told her that I was angry because she cancelled the date we had, one which she suggested, and the thing that bothered me the most was that she didn’t even apologize at that moment, and she said she got angry of how I responded. Long story short she “apologized” but we were both angry at the situation.

The next day I calmed myself down more and I decided to make peace with the situation, because technically I was the one that should’ve been mad, but decided to take it calm, I even invited her back once again to go out on the weekend and she said yes if I promised to not being angry when going out, which I accepted and everything was fine

But the way she acted of getting angry back to me and that she “apologized” made me think and see how she really is and I noticed that even before she didn’t thank me for anything I have done or given to her. I know that if you do something for someone you shouldn’t expect anything back from them but a simple thank you would be nice, so that made me think she is selfish.

Long story short we went out on friday and had a good time and I got her some things but never thanked me for any of them, but I let it slide. We went back home and we were getting intimate for 1h and I pleasured her for all that time, and I asked her to do me a handjob and she said no, so I thought that she was going to be doing it once I finish her off, and when it was her time to be reciprocate she said she didn’t feel like it because her mouth was hurting and “sorry, but wait until I get better”. Obviously I got mad and was leaving and she asked me why was I mad and I told her that I was angry because she doesn’t even thank me after I do something for her and that she’s been kind of selfish lately. She told me that I’m saying this because I was still mad about what happened before (which honestly I wasn’t) and that I was going to be angry about any tiny thing that happens (which I wasn’t going to be doing) so she ended up being angry at me (which I just saw it as a defense mechanism) and I left and she didn’t even apologize even when I knew that she was in the wrong.

Long story short we haven’t spoken since yesterday, I’m waiting for her to contact me to apologize or to speak because she was in the wrong and I don’t want to forgive her as easily as I did last time. What gets me more concerned is the fact that she gets mad at me when I get mad at her without acknowledging her faults, beign quite a toxic behaviour.

I would really love to hear your insight and advice

PS: I know I painted her in a really bad way, she is a really nice girlfriend, she loves me and I love her but this behavior is making me doubt if we should continue together.

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