What is the hardest part in starting a new relationship?

  1. It’s easy to find somebody to fuck – use as a human-sized masturbatory aid.

    It’s easy to find someone you get along with – a friend or someone to do stuff with.

    It’s exceedingly difficult to find those two things in the same package, and in someone stable enough for the long-term.

  2. Thinking objectively instead of getting swept away by new relationship energy.

  3. Not knowing at which point the other person will get fed of you and decide to move on, then it becomes just another lesson instead of the love story you wanted

  4. In first place, the added amount of scheduling, rules, agreements and logistics needed to have that new relationship exist smoothly alongside your existing one(s). Especially if you’re a dinosaur like me that doesn’t like digital calendars.

    Granted, this may be a poly-only problem.

  5. Balancing the effort to enjoy the new relationship energy with being objective and rational in how it progresses.

  6. The moment you see the true personality of the person you’re in with.

    Some people are far from being the same as friends, acquaintance and in relationship.

    So. Be careful and flee if necessary

  7. Its already hard enough that you have to put a lot of effort to get to know someone and break the barrier of trust. You then also have to filter those few people out based on your criteria.
    It’s tiring.

  8. All the little things. Figuring out what she likes or what sets her off or the proper way to say this or do that. Everyone has their little things that they are particular about or things that they react to in different ways, and it can be difficult to figure that out. Sure, some can be learned simply by communication, but many are really only by trial and error over time.

  9. *”What is the hardest part in starting a new relationship?”*

    You’ve answered your own question.

    Starting a new relationship.

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