How do you force yourself to be energetic when you have your period and so tired? (When it’s absolutely necessary)

  1. Eat something nutritious, rest while I can, stay hydrated, work at a slower pace than usual but still working, make sure I have ibuprofen on hand to dull the pains, promise myself a treat

  2. Drink some coffee and eat some fruit? Or maybe cookies, if those sound tastier. That should give you a little energy boost.

  3. I dont. I just get what I have to do done while I’m going through it. Nothing gets me energetic on my period and I’ve tried it all.

  4. drinking lots of water and there’s no shame in taking a painkiller.

    Advil ABSOLUTELY makes me functional and able to go to the gym and not hate being there.

    Sometimes though, I dont see any point in forcing my body to perform ‘normally’ when its going through something that’s perfectly natural and I will lean into the need to rest and take a bath and read a book under a blanket with a hot water bottle.

  5. Painkillers, a hot water bottle and counting down the minutes until I could go home.

    I wouldn’t do it now, I rest as much as I need to. When I’d have to go to work it was horrendous.

  6. I’m not sure about properly energetic, but some ibuprofen, a big cold brew, and an emotional support water bottle go a long way.

  7. 3 Advil, loads of water, and Reese’s peanut butter cup I pretend gives me energy. Then I grit my teeth and get on with it.

  8. One of those little 5hour energy drinks (or whatever knock off brand is available) and midol. I feel extra shit when it wears off but it’s enough to get things done for the day.

  9. Wheaty bags because they’re softer and more flexible than hot water bottles, ibuprofen and paracetamol on rotation and hot baths. Then again, it doesn’t really make me super energetic but it does make me mobile

  10. If your budget allows, put a little cash aside each week, think $5-$10 bucks. On those super awful can’t find motivation days, now you have money to get yourself a little treat.

    And I guess since I’m already up to go get that treat I can run an errand or 2. Oooh that candy bar by the register looks so good, good thing I have a treat budget. Guess errands weren’t so bad now. Well before I go lay down I gotta put the groceries away, and I might as well clean a couple dishes while I’m in the kitchen. And so on.

  11. I have to walk my dog regardless of how I’m feeling, i load on chocolate and go out, after a walk I feel so much better

  12. I dont force myself (and can’t most of the time because it is seriously that painful sometimes ~pcos). I spend those days by doing the absolute bare minimum. Also painkillers

  13. take all the time you require to move at a comfortable pace. it’s enough energy sometimes just to stand up. take it easy and do what you need to do.

  14. I stopped trying to do that. Ive work remotely since 2018 for this reason. Ive had monster periods for years! Calling out was getting more difficult. Being at work was terrible. Scared a few coworkers. SMH.

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