What is that one thing that gets on your nerves no matter how big or small?

  1. Man babies…they are the new pandemic and they must be tagged or branded so that women don’t pick them to have a family with. They are incapable of all things…all the damn things! 😝

  2. The sound of people eating apples. Anyone and everyone. The crispy sound when biting into it, the juicy lip smacking, it’s all just so terrible and makes me break into a sweat. My wonderful and adorable boyfriend has no idea that the sound of him eating them first thing in the morning while getting ready for the gym drives me insane.

  3. Headphones getting caught on something (and they always do). Triggers a rage in me like no other.

  4. Being interrupted. Prepare for me to escalate beyond all reason. STFU, I.was.not.done.

  5. People talking on speakerphone in places like nail salons. Once someone was FaceTiming with their friend, just chatting (I wasn’t eavesdropping, it was just impossible not to hear because she wasn’t using earbuds!), no earphones or cares about how rude it was.

  6. People who leave the sponge in the sink after doing the dishes. 😭 Not that serious, but I’ll never understand it!!! Why!!!

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