What do you consider a good week??

  1. Me: Doing 1-2 really fun things, like last week we went to the drive in on Friday to watch the Mario movie + Puss in boots, then the next morning we drove over to our friend’s house with a pizza and the kids were in their swimsuits (we originally wanted to go to the beach but parking wasn’t gonna happen) and jumped on the trampoline with a sprinkler in there and we all drank and laughed, and ended the night with s’mores on the little fire pit in their backyard (: then my husband just spent yesterday painting + my son and I watched tv (he played a little bit of his guitar) and hung out with the dog so very nice weekend

    My husband: not having to go grocery shopping lol, I ordered groceries so he could spend yesterday painting and enjoying the evening before having to go back to work today lol

  2. If I make it to Friday (my one day off) and can genuinely do whatever I feel like doing.

    I have a job with weird hours and a lot of prep work, so there are way too many weeks when I get to Friday and still have shit that absolutely needs to be done for Saturday. And if I have to work on Friday, it means that it’s not only been a bad week, but next week will probably suck as well.

  3. I suffer from a whole host of mental & physical issues so the bar is pretty low.

    Anyway for me what’s constitutes as a good week is where I didn’t self-harm, I didn’t have a complete meltdown or panic attack, I wasn’t stuck in bed due to a killer migraine or a chronic pain flair up or a depressive low, I didn’t collapse on the stairs or in the middle of the road, I managed to sleep every day even if it was just 2-3hrs, I managed to draw the curtains every day, I managed to eat a meal at least once a day, I managed to shower more than once in the week, I remembered to take my meds, I tidied and vacuumed, I went out for a solo walk, I managed to focus long enough to watch a movie or a couple of episodes of a new-to-me show, I listened to music everyday, I read a little every day, I crossed something off my to-do list every day, I’m aware what day of the week it is every day, I don’t wake up wishing I didn’t.

  4. No work, 9-10 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night, calorie deficit 7 days out of 7, little to no anxiety.

  5. A week where I’m productive but not overwhelmed but also enough time to do things I enjoy and get good sleep.

    So basically a balanced week.

  6. Vacation weeks. Spa weeks. Watching movies. Having long fun masturbating sessions as I’m single. Good week!

  7. When the work week goes by fast but the weekend feels long. Balance of relaxing and going out. Good weather and a couple yummy treats.

  8. Learning something new and interesting, having someone say that they love me, helping in the community, travelling to a place that enthuses me and eating and drinking something nice.

  9. getting home on time and having dinner made for me on the days i work. you could smack me with a truck but as long as i make it home to my bed on time and my dinner is ready i really don’t care.

  10. When Christmas and new years fall on a monday or Tuesday. (More ‘free’ vacation days)

  11. One where I’m bored silly because there was no disaster. I’ve existed in crisis mode for so many years, being bored is wonderful

  12. No disasters at work. Husband also home at a reasonable hour and not stressed about work. A project at home to hold my interest. Activity time with the pets.

  13. No rude patients, my son is with his dad that weekend, and when he is with me, no meltdowns and he goes to bed at a decent time.

    It’s been a very very long time since I’ve had a good week.

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