How to deal with the insecurity of not having a beard?

  1. I know it is a very generic response but… why worry about something you can’t control?

  2. A man makes a beard… A beard doesn’t make a man. For those of us who are not gifted in the facial hair department, wear your beard on the inside, and wear it proud. Just because your face is not covered in physical hairs, does not mean that you do not have the psychological hairs of a full, bushy beard upon your chin.

  3. Funny I just shaved my beard and mustach last week and I feel no different. Don’t worry about what others think about you, don’t look for recognition, work on yourself, F everybody else…..let this mentality sink in dude and you’ll feel better.

  4. I can say that many, very many women (including me) like men without a beard. I have never liked a beard over shaved face. I guess the Roman time is my favourite era of mens hair fashion XD but do not worry! Its the shame like worrying which one to be: Brunette or blonde? Doesnt matter! 🙂

  5. That I am 31 but constantly mistaken for 24.

    I’m so fucking glad I can’t grow facial hair

  6. Honestly, I see nothing wrong with someone not having a beard because a man’s value isn’t in his facial hair.

  7. Draw it on with a pen, no but seriously, how is your jaw and chin, is it weak?

  8. Considering that currently beards are most popular with soyboys, I wouldn’t worry about it.

  9. A beard make most guys look criminal. If that is what you want. A shite import from the Mediterranean and middle east cultures imho.

  10. If you feel like not having a beard makes you less attractive (which isn’t always true, I’ve known many women in my life who hated facial hair and most women don’t seem to care either way) but you probably have a lot of qualities that are desirable as well.

  11. Why are you insecure about that? I shave every day and have for most of my adult life. The only time i don’t shave is when i don’t have to go to work. There’s nothing to feel insecure about.

  12. Are you an Afghan chieftain?

    Then why do you care? Horrible, scruffy things.

  13. Beards are part of the paper bag theory of good looks. Add sunglasses and a hat and the look is complete.

  14. Seeing as how I have a Keanu Reeves-esque patchy beard, but am not Keanu Reeves, I go clean shaven.

    Nothing like the smoothness you get from a high quality razor and good shaving soap.

  15. This should not be an insecurity, I say this as a bearded guy. Nobody cares that you don’t have a beard. If I couldn’t grow a decent beard I would be shaving and have no issue with it.

  16. A dude trying to hide his double chin by growing an armpit on his face, works about as well as the scam “slimming” products that fat women try to use, so if you can’t grow a beard you’re not losing much, and if you need a beard you probably need a better diet instead.

  17. grow a thick, luxurious pelt and intimidate the weak, beardless men around you with it.

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