So I’m going 46 days with my GF both 16 and we go to different schools and she has a important assignment coming up and so she’s really busy and she has deleted all sns platforms yesterday.

because of it and we have broken up 2 weeks ago because of this and got back a week ago. After we broke up we stayed like really close as if nothing happened and texted each other everyday she helped me get through emotional trauma as I have had past breakup nightmares and I’m really thankful she didn’t just dump me and said she still really wants me as a close friend because she doesn’t want to lose me as her ex was toxic af.

I still loved her really much and though she didn’t show it she said she still loved me too but couldn’t get back together because as I said of her assignment which she takes very seriously. A week ago I just said maybe think about our relationship again and told her I would be much less of a burden for her as now I understood how much she took her assignment seriously and so after a day she contacted me that she wanted to get back in the condition that 1. Don’t text her that much and 2. We can’t meet up every week(we had study sessions in the weekends before/excuse to see her lmao as we went to different schools) and I agreed and so far so good.

(I thought she would reject me as I thought she didn’t love me anymore but she thought the opposite lmao)

until 4 days ago she started acting weird as we were really long time besties I knew something was up as she was giving short replies and was just answering me and not having like a conversation so I asked if something was up and she said no and when we met up she mostly ignored me (I ignored the short replies Bcos I thought she was just busy) and being the over thinking and insecure fuck I am I went to my male friend who also knows about her and our breakup in detail. So I told him what’s up and he said that she’s gonna break up again in his opinion.

so I asked my gf if something was up again and she said no and that she loves me and yadayada and I’m just confused rn any advice or thoughts? She’s my dream girl and just perfect so I don’t wanna lose her

tl;dr I need advice on how my relationship is going to end up with my gf who is really preoccupied with a assignment and schoolwork and how I should proceed from now on as she has said sometimes that I was messaging her too much

1 comment
  1. I think she just needs some space. She seems preoccupied with school and she just can’t talk to you all the time. Just because you guys don’t text 24/7 doesn’t mean you aren’t dating. Give her time to focus on her own life.

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