How did you discover who you wanted to be? How old were you?

  1. I couldn’t find a therapist that actually understood what I was going though. It all felt too clinical and analytical. I finally found one that didn’t look at me with pity when I told my story. She vaguely mentioned going through something similar and I could tell that she actually understood what I was feeling. It was easier to open up and let it all out. It got me thinking, with everything I’ve been through, I might be a good therapist too. Psychology always fascinated me, and it would be really cool if I could help people. So now I’m 27 and going back to school lol

  2. I really liked playing the sims only for building homes and landscaping. I also really enjoyed volunteering for things that mattered to me. I also have very liberal views. I also like building miniatures, biking, walking, and hiking, and the idea of not owning a car because it’s expensive. I went to the Administration office and was like “How to I make all of these random important things in my life my job?” And they introduced me to City Planning. I was 25 and had already tried going to school to become a teacher and a nurse. Hated both of them.

  3. I did a lot of work in my 30s to figure that out. And the shocking thing is that it returned to what I wanted when I was younger, it’s just I always thought it wasn’t possible. It really took some huge life changes and coming to terms with things to realize I could do those things and that’s what I’ve always wanted to be.

    I must have been 7 or 8 when I figured out that working on video games was a job. I remember around 12 or 13 becoming aware of alt lifestyle, goths and bodymods, artistic tattoos and piercings, dyed hair. This was back in the mid-90s when people still called tattoos “everlasting job stoppers”. And I remember learning about open sexuality and kinks in my teens, and wishing I could be that kind of person that’s sexually adventurous.

    So yeah, in my 30s I actually worked on becoming those things. Now I’m 38 working at a major game studio, have several facial piercings, tattoos, doing fetish modelling, going to dungeons, and just embracing every part of me that I had always wished I could be.

  4. Car accident changed my life at 30 years old, I’ve been feeling reborn ever since

  5. My dad told me to help him make French toast. I was probably 3. I remember thinking it was so fun and it warmed my heart when I put the plates on the table and everyone smiled, thanked and praised me.

    Ever since then I wanted to be a cook

  6. Writing became my therapy when we moved to a new country. I want to be a writer. One day hopefully I will publish something good. Until then, it shall remain a beloved hobby

  7. I discovered it in 2021, just before I turned 30.

    I had known something wasn’t quite “right” with how things were for a while. I realized sometime in 2018, and as the nightmare that is 2020 rolled around and I got furloughed for a few months I had a lot of time to sit and reflect. I picked up hobbies I hadn’t had time for. I looked into career-related things and industries that interested me, instead of things I had to keep up with for work. And instead of thinking, I just let myself feel for a while. I think that changed me a lot, and helped me be ready for my split-second decision.

    And now, the moment everything changed. I had been stressed from my awful job, where I was being walked on and treated like garbage (as a developer, working in a non-customer facing position, I got screamed at for not wearing enough makeup just to give you an idea). One day I woke up…and I was frozen. I tried to twist out of bed. I couldn’t. I tried to turn my head. I saw stars and was in blinding pain. I freed one arm…I could thankfully move it. Getting up was completely out of the question for me, as every time I shifted my legs I nearly threw up from the pain. It didn’t seem like a good option considering I was stuck on my back.

    I screamed my ass off until my husband finally “thought he might have heard something” (for some reason, this house has a soundproofed bedroom….we didn’t install it, I swear) and we ended up have to call an ambulance. What was wrong with me, readers? I had whiplash. Stress-related whiplash. The recommendation from the doctor? “If you can afford it, quit your job.” They ran blood tests. They found problems. All, likely, they said from stress.

    I decided in that second that I was done. No job was worth having my head stuck facing to the left for the rest of my life! Not to mention what it did to my blood pressure. I quit immediately, and decided I was going to become a designer, something I’ve wanted to be my whole life but had been constantly told I wasn’t talented enough for. I decided I was not going to be pushed around by crappy people who didn’t care about me anymore. I decided I was going to prioritize my life, and my family, and the people I cared about. I decided that I was no longer going to be ashamed to be me. That was who I wanted to be from now on.

    I’m still a work in progress, but I got the career I wanted with the flexible schedule I need to prioritize what’s important to me and to this day quitting that awful place I was at is the best decision I think I ever made.

  8. I was in grade 11. There was anth 101 being offered in my highschool as an elective. I took it, was incredibly interested, and decided I wanted to become an anthropologist.

  9. 4. My dad watched the news every night and I got interested. I watched the politions speak and I knew I wanted to do that.

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