Does that exist? Where either spouse or both are literally and tangibly head over heels for each other. In words, and in actions.

Or is it a potent gamble of one or the other being the more affectionate one in the relationship.

I know social media is not very accurate representation of marriage with all the couples and marriage influencers out there, however, some of the stories here have me wondering that maybe it does exist?

  1. I’m 47, been married for more than 10 years and still have a tremendous crush on my wife.

  2. Absolutely. I still love my husband as much as I did in the beginning. The shock has never really worn off.

  3. Definitely. Together for 17 years and still as in love as we were at 20 & 21. I thank God every day for blessing me with my person.
    For us, the key to having a happy marriage is tons of communication, affection, respect, making them a priority, forgiveness, and lots of sex😄

  4. Only 3 years in, but we very much both crush on the other one and are over the top cute and affectionate constantly. Not for show, but just for us.

    Today we spent the day working on a puzzle and had a ton of cutesy moments sprinkled in.

  5. We have been a couple for over 20 years now. Married life is fantastic. There are days we go back and forth. But most of the time, we are totally both infatuated with one another. I cannot imagine my life without him.

  6. We have ebbed and flowed over the years but this last year or so, it’s been really good. We get along so well and enjoy each other’s company more. We still get on each other’s nerves and bicker and have issues but we both seem more committed as time goes on.

    I’ve lately developed a huge crush on him too, because he’s just getting handsomer as he gets older. I’m a “shout it from the rooftops” person so I’ve been posting more on social media about him, and I had to tell myself recently to dial it back some so I’m not *that* person on social media.

    So yes, it happens, at least with me 😍

  7. Yes. My husband and I are completely enamored. It feels kind of unreal sometimes. 🥰

  8. We have been married for 9 years soon. It does go up and down and there are times things are not as good but we have those periods where we are like teenagers again. Its lovely to have that. After 9 years I feel that it keeps growing. I am blessed to have her.

  9. Absolutely. ~12years together and we still constantly flirt. Booty grabs n slaps. He melted my heart earlier: I had my arms around him laying down and my hair was in my face, so I brushed it away and did the whole face/cheek cupping… instant puddle

  10. it definitely is the case in my marriage. we’re obsessed with each other. we’re affectionate always. we are each others security blanket. he even uses touching my leg while he’s sleeping as an anchor to ward off nightmares.

    im always grabbing his booty, or hugging him from behind while he’s doing dishes.

  11. Even though we have had our issues over the years that we have found a way to work out, I have always been infatuated with my wife. I stare at her all the time, even when she thinks I am not. I have been head over heels for her since the day we started talking.

  12. I think so, both my siblings have been married for years and seem to be heads of heels for their spouses which is reciprocated.

  13. My husband and I are obsessed with each other. Lol. 5 years. It seems to get even more intense as time goes on for both of us. I never thought it was possible (at least not for me because of past experiences), but apparently it’s a thing.

  14. We’ve only been married about six months, but we are truly best friends and, you know, pretty much obsessed with each other. I am very hopeful that we grow and work in our marriage in order to maintain that kind of enthusiasm for one another.

  15. We’ve been married 22 years. We had a rough time for a few years in the middle but about 18 months ago we both fell madly in love with each other all over again. Actually, more in love than even in the beginning!

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