How has your life changed since the pandemic began?

  1. I lost relatives who were important to me, I changed jobs twice, I take better care of my mental health and I am more selective with my friendship and energy.

  2. Got fired at the beginning for missing too much work due to Covid. Graduated college. Had a few remote jobs, but absolutely no career progression. Most were just to get by. Lost my dad due to Covid.
    My outlook has changed, I’m a lot more apathetic and cynical. Career climate and more awareness of horrible work conditions for everyone (which tik tok made me aware of, kind of feel like that’s a major reason gov’t wants it gone).
    I now know that people will not pull together in a major crisis like the disaster movies would show. Just made me lose my faith in people.

  3. The bad: I now prefer being by myself and don’t put as much effort into my social life. I distrust the government, society and people in general. I am angrier and more resentful. I have claustrophobia and PTSD from lockdowns and have trouble being at home now, or in any indoor environment for a long period of time. My anxiety is far worse and I now often have panic attacks. I also have some continuing physical health issues related to having Covid twice (I cough now when I get stressed, for instance). My immune system has suffered – I get sick all the time now and get much worse hayfever.

    The good: I got below my goal weight. I became physically the fittest and healthiest I have ever been, despite the above side effects. I developed an amazing skin care routine. I started some comprehensive self care practices. I learned long distance running. I learned to roller blade. I learned to hike and even started my own hiking blog. I became really athletic and outdoorsy.

  4. I now work remotely and I love it, feels like I have much better work/live balance. I also got a new job which is less stressful than my last one.

    I’m married now and go by a different name. But tbh that hasn’t really changed my day to day.

    I’ve been through real highs and lows with my fitness. It was probably peaking just as we went into the pandemic and at the start, before tumbling to the worse it’s ever been at the end of last year. I’ve picked myself up though and lost 8kg so far, started running again and now just trying to run the 5km pace that I used to be able to do.

  5. Got fired from both of my jobs, my artist career went to shit, had to move back home, got in debt. I was basically at square one after everything reopened. I was finishing my masters again (since remote school didnt work well), reestablishing myself, had to find a job and I am barely now getting back on my two feet being independent again (still not there). The pandemic took a lot from me and I have difficulties adjusting back to “regular” life.

    The only good thing was I got to spend lots of time with my family and two closest friends during the lockdown.

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