i’ve been fooling around with this guy for a few weeks, and he’s completely rewritten my idea of intimacy. i spent all of last year in an abusive relationship, and i was never really able to get off. i only ever did it to myself, while he happened to be touching me. i fully believed that i was just incapable of cumming from sex, and it affected my self confidence.

but this guy i’ve been seeing is so gentle, yet confident, and his stamina is so strong, he does it easily. it’s insane. he made me cum from oral the other night; it was the first time i’ve ever came with someone, without touching myself at all. i didn’t think it was possible. i’m still in awe.

he enjoys going down on me, he enjoys making me feel good, and it’s not just a means to an end. he’s even more gentle than me, because he’s confident enough to treat me with delicacy. i’m shy and rather traumatized, so being vulnerable scares me. it’s like he fully trusts me to communicate if i dislike something, which i always do. i’m learning that displeasure can also be communicated in a non-hurtful way. i can’t believe i can trust a sexual partner.

this is just insane to me, and i wanted to put it somewhere. it always baffles me, how much he just enjoys making me feel good. but i’m pretty sure that’s the point of sex – making your partner feel good.

i used to browse this subreddit and nearly cry in jealousy of people who had fulfilling sex lives, who were able to trust their partner and feel physical satisfaction. turns out i just needed to find someone who took pleasure in my pleasure 🙂 they do exist!!

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