Had a blind date set up by a coworker. I knew from his face, he didn’t know I was a wheelchair user. It wasn’t a big deal; I am used to answering questions and my disability makes some people uncomfortable. After the usual questions and some awkward silence, he went to bathroom and never came back. I can’t figure out what I said wrong. I’ve always thought I was pretty upbeat and pleasant to talk to. It really hurt my feelings and I’m not sure what to tell my coworker.

  1. Hmm…

    On the one hand, he is an absolute douchenozzle for doing the whole going to the bathroom and then never returning.

    I’m pretty confident in stating that it was most likely nothing that you did so much as it was his own Hangup with you being in a wheelchair.

    With that said, your co worker should have mentioned that fact to him before even setting the two of you up.

    Now, if the co worker asks how things went, be absolutely honest with them. Tell them you met up, thought things were going well, but, turned out to not be so well when he said he was going to the bathroom and then never bothered to return.

    And then hopefully karma punches him in the dick soon

  2. That sucks, sorry it happened to you. Unfortunately you’ll never find the right one until you get through all the wrong ones. Think of it as part of the process and try not to take it personally because it happens to everyone

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