Context: I’m a transferee student and I’m an irreg 4th year. May mga nakakausap na ako sa year na yun but the thing is nahihirapan ako makipagsocialize because they established friend groups already since they were shs (from same school sila nung shs) and minsan ko lang sila makasama and mostly online. Sa other level na 3rd year, sila yung madalas ko kasama kaya medj nakakagain na ako ng friends.

  1. Friend groups are amazing for making friends. You just make one friend and they introduce you to the friend group

  2. Try to join a club and attend on-campus events and introduce yourself as “Hi, I’m new and don’t have many friends.”

    People actually flock to newcomers who have no friends, because they tend to put more effort into maintaining friendships and are more likely to have free schedules to do stuff. You’re especially a hot commodity if you’re open minded and easy going

  3. Look for the group that fits your personality and try to get close to one of the member, if they refuse/negative response it might not be right one for you, it’s better to try other groups than to find another from that same group as it will made you a ‘try hard’ to be include on that group.

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