what are some dark psychology tricks that actually work?

  1. When you want someone to sign something just hand it to them and begin to talk of a completely different topic they are interested in. They will forget what they are signing and you can sell your Washing machine.

  2. I don’t know if this would be considered dark but if you want to pull information out of someone start talking to them about the topic but then become silent. People generally don’t like silences in conversation because they can feel awkward so the other person might start telling you what you want to know just to fill the silence.

  3. I don’t think it’s that dark, I learnt this as a behavior management technique on kids but I find it works on adults too. You give them a choice between two fine options and that stops the negative option even being considered. “Would you rather read a book now or do your spelling homework?” Works better than just telling them to do their homework.

    On adults I use it to get indecisive people to pick a goddamn restaurant! Don’t ask “Do you want to get sushi?” as you often get “I don’t know” or “I don’t mind” as a response. Instead ask “Would you rather get sushi or pizza?”

  4. There are lots of coercive, manipulative, and abusive “tricks” that “work” but that doesn’t make it ethical or appropriate to use those things against others.

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