Clearly I just took a big fat shit and don’t want to acknowledge anyone. What is the point of coming up to me and initiating a conversation when we can both smell my poo as we wash our hands at the sink. Is this just my office? Is this a universal thing that will continue no matter where I go? How do I retain my dignity while politely escaping the conversation?

  1. People will initiate small talk pretty much anywhere, unless it’s a No Talking Zone for some reason. (church service, speech, jury box while the judge is presiding)

    One reason they might do so in a restroom is to distract from the reason why everyone is there.

  2. I think maybe it’s because you poop, they poop, everybody poops, we all have that in common, they know this now, they can still smell it. Take it as them accepting you into their herd.

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