Hickey issue

My girlfriend of 6 months and I just had our most intimate moment. We are both virgins and no grabbing below the belt happened. We knew where the situation was going and I politely asked her not to give me any hickeys in visible areas. Were kissing and grabbing yk, we were both enjoying ourselves a lot. But when i got home i saw that my neck is absolutely covered in hickeys! I’m upset because she didn’t hold up her end of out conversation. She says she was aware of the conversation and accidently went too hard. I’m not mad at her, I just don’t understand how she accidently did this. Like it’s my whole neck and collar bone. All of hers are on her waist area and chest. I kissed her neck, but not hard enough to give a hickey. Now I have to walk around and have my peers see them, it’s embarrassing. I think its hot yeah, but not when their visible for everyone to see.

I can’t hide them. What do I say to her next time we’re in that situation? Do I say anything now?

  1. Honestly for now if you don’t want anyone to see, makeup might be the move until they go away. I’m not an avid wearer at all, but if you just go to your local pharmacy you can usually find something. Applying with a blender sponge really helps so it doesn’t look weird.

    As for conversation, I’d definitely tell her to please not do it again unless you’re okay with it. My ex did the same to me and it made me really upset as well. I definitely understand the frustration

  2. Oh I have the same problem! My boyfriend gives me hickeys all the time! I told him not to do it, but he does anyway. Now I just control if he works with my neck for a long time .. I can grab him back and then he will stop

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