As a 21F, I haven’t really dated around my peers and only had one experience of being with someone (MU). I have my own standards that I’m looking for in a partner. I’m seeking for any advice/tips about how to date, detecting the lies in between sweet words (ex: if they’re really a sweet guy or they’re just fooling around), and any important things that I should be aware of before and during dating a guy.

Thank youuu in advance:)

  1. Just be true yourself and don’t be pressured into doing anything you don’t feel comfortable with.
    Meet somewhere crowded and tell friends where you are or have a chaperone.
    That said, you’re an adult and just try read the signs, lay out expectations to the other person and have fun.
    I wish you well and let us know how you get along.

  2. One word of advice is that categories that label people do more harm than good. I used to be super into the world of personality tests like the Myers-Briggs but have since learned to assess myself in a more nuanced way.

    You’ve identified yourself as an extravert, which by definition means you gain energy from being around others. If you’re sociable, you may find that you might be more compatible with outgoing guys.

    My best tip I can give about learning what type of person someone is and who they are, is time. People who rush relationships tend to crash and burn because they might hold back on their true self as they may want to present themselves in a certain way initially. Don’t rush, and only through time will you get a better sense of whether a person is compatible with you

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