This may be an unpopular opinion but i have recently discovered that the online sex and sexual exploration community is very heavily skewed towards women or LGBTQ+. I, myself am queer and have plenty of places i can go to explore but i have a straight friend that brought this issue up to me recently and i would kind of like to hear peoples opinions on it.

After he brought it up i decided to do a deep dive online to find some resources for him and found it to be quite difficult. Most of my search results that involved straight sex and exploration almost always ended up in the vein of ‘how to give HER more pleasure’ or ‘how to have better orgasms as a woman’. Most podcasts, articles, classes and workshops are mostly geared towards female pleasure and experiences rather than male….and if they are for men its usually about how they can improve as a lover rather than how to enhance their own sexual experience… i just in an algorithmic hole here or is there a treasure trove of male pleasure and exploration tips hiding out there somewhere?

  1. Like many aspects in life, the straight male is expected to “just deal with it.” I’m not sure if there are any treasure troves out there, but I wish you good luck looking for them.

  2. I did find one book at the library that talks about tips and tricks for pleasing lovers both male and female.

    The book is called Bliss Club by June Pla. I think it had more tips for pleasing females though from memory.

  3. I feel like media has been male centric for a long time. Porn, movies, tv, etc have all been geared towards the male gaze. They’ve had plenty of things for men to explore. Seeing more things about “how to please a woman” etc is because women’s sexuality got ignored for a long time and it’s still an uphill struggle for some women to explain what turns them on to their partner.

  4. Get fit, do kegels, take ED meds + TRT if you need them, work on your stamina, find someone compatible is enough for most guys’ pleasure. Our equipment works well enough that we can find something we like and be happy. There are educational resources for niche topics and practices, along with a huge amount of porn catered to us for ideas, so we’re not suffering from a dearth of knowledge.

    The toy market for straight guys seemed substandard and/or wildly expensive, but my take on that is years old. Maybe the situation has improved.

  5. If the resources aren’t there, it’s probably because they haven’t been written.

    The resources available for women and lgbtqia+ people are generally created for those people, by those people. So, straight men need to be creating those resources for themselves, to be able to share them with other men.

    I know there are workshops near me designed for penis-owners and their partners, run by a local sex-positive organisation. Perhaps look for resources via local sex-positive (or even kink) organisations.

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