So I’ve (22f) been seeing this guy (25m) for about a month now. We connect really well and I love spending time with him. We spend hours talking and cuddling and it’s great. He loves physical touch and loves kissing specifically making out. Unfortunately, I do not like kissing. It just doesn’t do anything for me due to the lack of stimulation. I’ve kissed over 10 ppl in my life and only had one kiss that I loved, I was at a party, drunk af and I made out with girl. I literally felt sparks and it felt so good touching her body and her touching mine. I am queer so I don’t have any confusions about my attraction to women. I kissed another girl at a party drunk and felt nothing and actually really disliked the kiss.

Anyways, since the day we met I told him about how I don’t like kissing and he had no issues with this and was pretty understanding. Everytime we kiss he ask me if it feels okay and if I’m comfortable which I really appreciate and it makes me want to enjoy making out more because I know how pleasurable it is for him. The last time we hung out, I told him I wanted us to practice kissing each other so I can feel more comfortable and so we can find our rhythm. We made out 75% of the time while we hung out and although I didn’t not like it, I still didn’t enjoy it as much as I would’ve hoped. I don’t mind a few smooches but the making out is too much for me. The only time I love making out is when I’m having sex, lips feel so soft and I love kissing there’s a passion in it then for me and I’m assuming because of all the other stimulation.

I love when he kissing my forehead, my cheek and when we Eskimo kiss. I feel so much intimacy and affection in these kisses and these are the sort of kisses I love. I love kissing him on the cheek and neck but making out just doesn’t do it for me without the extra stimulation. I want to talk to him about this again because I really do want to be able to give him that because I know how much he enjoys it but I don’t want him to feel pressured to rub pu$y and body every time we make out. How should I approach the convo? And does anyone have any tips about how I can navigate this?

  1. I’m not sure he’d have a problem with adding rubbing your pussy and body to his makeout game. If that makes it more enjoyable and pleasurable for you, I’d imagine he’d be quite amenable to it.

  2. I(33f) got to a point in my life where making out stopped doing much for me too.

    It’s just kind of… boring? Especially if it’s not going anywhere else. Sometimes it’s a bit gross tbh.

    Idk. I just figured it was because I was getting older. Make out with my other lips, if that’s what you need to do with your mouth rn.

  3. Kiss the ears and nipples. Mouth kissing is blah. I got 22 downvotes for commenting that before. Quit trying to learn to like it because there isn’t much to like.

    Caress with the fingers and the side of your face.

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