How to deal with women with independent personality

  1. deal with? independent is good, that means she’d be your equal instead of a burden

    unless you are dependent of course

  2. Treat them like a person.

    If you don’t get along, then it is what it is. Move on.

  3. if you think you have to ‘deal’ with independent women, then you might wanna self reflect first

  4. Don’t deal with them just find someone else who’s not gonna fight you on everything

  5. Do you mean “I don’t need no man” types?

    RUN! Get your passport, go abroad.

  6. Deal? I suspect you’re using “independent” as a nice way of saying something else.

  7. Like they’re regular ass human beings? You trad turds and your bang maids are real shitty people, man.

  8. Independent how?
    Independent “I know basics for human adult like cooking and cleaning and need no help to survive”
    Independent “my money is my money and your money is our money”
    Or Independent “I need a lot of people to hear I don’t need them so I can tell everyone that I don’t need them to hear it because they obviously they can see I don’t need them and because they are running away I NEED TO SCREAM IT SO THAY CAN HEAR ME NOT NEEDING THEM!!!”

  9. what do you mean “deal with”? why would I need to treat an adult differently because they act like an adult?

  10. You wife em up fam.

    Do you really want some chick in your life that comes to you for every little thing? Nah you need a ride or die partner you can build with.

    Every woman on my team is a top general, not an accessory who needs me to run their life.

  11. 🌀If Dating has been 3 months or longer :

    women with independent personality

    🌀 If getting married : See how the ”HOTWIFE” fetish charms her ?

    If she’s charmed setup a special honeymoon night for her

  12. There is nothing special in terms of how to deal with them – they just are not going to be reliant on someone else. If you are going to be in their life, you have to be a positive asset to them. They don’t NEED someone, they have to want to be with someone.

    I almost exclusively dated independent women who were becoming, or already successful. They don’t want someone holding them back or to feel like they have to rely on someone else. They will do what they are going to do regardless, and you have to be long with that same mindset.

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