What is something you believe in, but have no proof?

  1. I don’t hold beliefs without proof. The closest I can think of is that I will take people at face value when they talk about personal experiences. Like, if you tell me that you feel a certain way, or that something happened to you, I’ll believe you until there’s evidence to prove otherwise.

  2. I second aliens. I read a quote that said “we’re either alone in the universe or we’re not, and both are equally terrifying”


  3. There is exactly one conspiracy theory that I’m certain is at least partly true.

  4. my local supermarket is running some next level money laundering scheme. either that or i’ve watched too much saul goodman

  5. Messengers from the beyond. I had an Angel dressed in blue come tell me about the future health of my child. I don’t believe in ghosts and not big on religion. But this message was spot on. Very weird. No evidence, no explanation and no, I had not been drinking.😁

  6. If our universe is expanding, that means outside our universe is something else, I believe black holes are gateways to neighboring universes.

  7. That most of us don’t notice but we slip from one probabilistic reality to another pretty frequently. Ever remember something that wasn’t quite right? Ever notice something that your sure was different than it is? All those feelings of deja Vu but something is off? We’re slipping to a nearby probability plane where things are slightly different.

  8. parallel universes! i’d like to think that there are thousands upon thousands of different realities with slightly different versions of myself. i actually find some comfort in knowing that maybe, in a different life i’m still friends with my childhood best friend, or that maybe i made better choices regarding my life in another one. i find the whole concept of parallel universes so incredibly fascinating and i could talk about this topic for hours.

  9. I believe the Earth used to orbit proto-Saturn (Proto-Saturn/EM theory is fun lol)

  10. God astrology karma. I have faith and I believe works for me. While I can’t prove it I believe it

  11. That a large building nearby is being used by some sort of cult. You can see people on the property but all the windows are covered in paper. Sometimes there are religious statements written in huge letters on the paper so it can be seen from the passing road.

    I always try to get a better look as we drive past and annoy my husband by going “I really do think it might be a cult.”

    I did develop this theory when I was in a phase of watching/listening/reading all the things about cults but now I can’t just let it go.

  12. I think there is proof out there being shown daily comma but people doubt it. But the only thing going down is the accuse of our politicians.

  13. reincarnation, karma/evil eye, the pyramids of Giza being implicated in something far more complex

    though with the first two it’s more of a case of believing in it the same you believe in gravity, if that makes sense. I think karma is a natural balance and inevitable thing, same with the cycle of life, like a law of physics.

  14. Madeline McCann wasn’t kidnapped, she was killed by her parents who administered too much sedative accidentally

  15. we are living in a simulation. there is someone playing a sick game of sims and we are that game.

  16. That there is an entity that prevents billionaires from solving all the worlds problems. There’s no way that such a large amount of billionaires wouldn’t share most of their wealth with the poor because in the long run it would help create a better economy.

  17. That my neighbor is a dealer (well was, I think the house was a bunch of roommates but I only see the one now).

    And fairies.

  18. That the universe is like our higher being I guess, kind of like God.

    I believe there’s a plan for everyone. If something leaves you, basically it was meant to and a relationship can be sort of a lesson you needed to learn. There’s been too many coincidences in my life where I’ve lost something—someone, and ended up better because of it. Like things were meant to be that way. That someone is guiding me in my journey through life, I believe life is a spiritual journey and past life karma can be real. I wish it wasn’t, but I just believe it is.

  19. The spirits/love of our loved ones come to bring us to whatever happens next. I’m a hospice social worker and way too many people talk to their mother or spouse or dead sibling toward the end for me to believe otherwise.

  20. Multiverses. My first baby was stillborn 5 months ago and every now and again I swear I get fleeting glimpses into a reality where we got to be together like we should. It’s heartbreaking and reassuring all at the same time.

  21. Karma, luck, female vaginal orgasm, past lives, soulmates and a higher power (God)

  22. That there’s a ghost cat in my house. There are a lot of stray cats that live in the area and this past Thanksgiving we woke up to a dead kitten that looked about 4 or 5 months old right by the doorstep. It was heartbreaking. We buried it under the porch and had a moment of silence for the little kitty that had a short and difficult life. Ever since then though, there is something in the house. We have a cat, which I brushed it off as her for a while. Things brushing up against you but when you look down there’s nothing there and the cat is in the other room. The animals suddenly starting to stare at or play fight with nothing. Maybe its just them being goofy animals and me thinking too much into it, but I’d like to think its the little kitty having found a nice warm home with play mates and lots of soft places to lay.

  23. A *majority* of the content that gets tons of votes and views on Reddit, and makes it to all or the subreddit tops, is completely fabricated content made by employees/freelance contractors, and then artificially upvoted and pushed to increase engagement. I think more of reddit’s conversations, arguments, and trends are engineered than we even suspect already.

    Tons of people pick up when a story in the relationship advice or AITA or similar subs feels fishy/fake, but mostly people attribute it to “trolls.” I don’t think it’s trolls. I think that’s Reddit baiting engagement. And then that content ends up on any number of other click-bait money-making listicle style websites. With buttloads of ads on them.

    This place is a farm and we all know we’re the livestock, but I just think it’s even worse than we think. And even though I love certain things about the conversations that *can* happen on Reddit, I think the overall effect has been to stir the pot and further divide groups of people on purpose.

  24. A guardian angel! There were so many times I could’ve died or gotten seriously injured and I really believe I have a guardian angel watching over me

  25. I think I’m a witch. Like, naturally, I can manifest things and animals come AT me. It’s been like that my whole life

  26. Extraterrestrial life, whatever form it may take. Absence of proof is not proof of absence 😉

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