I have a girl bsf, well we’re a little more than that
Unfortunately its a long distance relationship
We usually talk/flirt like every day, not regulary couse she has a lot of work with college
She usually tells me like everything about her life and her problems
She is depressed and pretty broken tho..
Doesnt get much support from her parents or friends
Maybe because she hasnt told anyone besides me
I am really worried about her, but I really dont know what to do
I cant come over to her due to the fact that she lives so far away
I sended some cute paragraphs, she loved them, but it didn’t help much
Tried talking to her, but she didnt really want to
Should I let her some space?

Please give me some advice, I need it

1 comment
  1. dont sweat it! be supportive and kind, but know that a persons problems often are solved best in that persons own time. obsessing over someone or becoming over attached will only become overwhelming and even distracting or frustrating to someone with an already busy and tasking schedule.

    my advice: dont sweat it! be friends, have fun! make jokes! and be careful not to be more involved than she intends to be. communicate. ask the hard questions *if* they are necessary to move forward… but only after taking a step back from the situation to evaluate it with a wider scope.

    at the end of the day, nobody can make anybody do anything. all you can do is choose how you will act.

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