My MIL (57F) treats my husband (28M) and I (27F) like garbage, my SIL (30F) and FIL (57M) know and see it but don’t do anything about it and enable her behavior. My MIL also feels she is entitled to see our daughter and us whenever she wants and will cause drama whether we see her or not.
Her abuse has started to seriously damage my mental health and self image.
I currently feel like she is trying to bully me out of spending time with them so she can have my daughter and husband to herself. At what point is enough enough? What do I do?

TLDR: Mental abuse from MIL and my husbands family does not care.

  1. Your husbands family doesn’t need to care they didn’t marry you. Your husband on the other hand has a responsibility to you. He should be the one speaking up and setting boundaries. As for your daughter, it’s yours and his place to say what is comfortable for you both as her parents. It doesn’t matter what your MIL wants it’s not her kid, she’s not entitled to her. If you don’t feel comfortable with her behavior, speak up. You’re an adult, you’re a parent. Why are you afraid of someone’s mother? What is she going to do, ground you? Sounds silly now right? Tell your husband your concerns and give him a chance to rectify it and if he doesn’t then do what you need to for your mental sanity. If she shows up whenever just don’t open the doors, don’t answer her calls, if other members of the family comment on it tell them why or say nothing at all. You don’t owe them anything but you do owe it to yourself and your daughter to take care of yourself and protect her from a toxic environment. Make sure to set boundaries with your husband too and remind him of his role in this situation as his support will make or break how this plays out. Good luck!

  2. Your husband is the problem, he should be setting boundaries with her. Maybe try couples counseling.

  3. You stand up to her yourself and cut way down the times you see them. Do it gradually and that does n it mean her showing up at your house.

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