How did you finally get that person off your mind after things have ended?

  1. Took two years-ish. First gf and we were only together for like 9 months. She ended it very abruptly.

    After two years, I moved states for my masters, developed a crush on a chick in my class and eventually hooked up with her (and continued hooking up with her).

    I stopped thinking about the first girl completely. Just now was the first time I’ve thought about her in a while!

  2. It’s different for everyone. Some get with a new person or go on a slut spree. Some focus on themselves and bury themselves in work and hobbies. It all depends.

  3. I slept with her younger sister.

    To be fair I only did that because she accused her younger sister of seducing me away from her three months beforehand.

    And her younger sister didn’t even know me three months beforehand. Her younger sister wasn’t even in the same country three months beforehand.

    But eventually her younger sister saw me at the same place I met her, and one thing led to another, and I stopped worrying about self-fulfilling prophecies.

    So now you know, Michiko.

  4. Get somebody else to take your mind off them. This has been foolproof for me.

  5. Contemplate on the bad things you didn’t like about the person … that’s should do the trick faster for you to focus on ya self-improvement journey 🤴

  6. By finding a new person. Hard to care about the last one when you are having fun with the new one.

  7. I didn’t, she’s always going to be there. I had to make a conscious decision to move on.

  8. I dated a girl for about nine or ten months. Super volatile relationship, great sex, fought a lot.

    The break up was horrible. I went through a phase for about two months where I had sex with a lot of different women because the temporary comfort it provided helped distract me from missing my ex.

    About three months post-breakup, a friend of my ex actually started talking to me, just to see
    how I was doing. It started totally innocuous, we would text everyday for a few months. Eventually we became romantically interested. We began dating and after about eight or nine months post-breakup, I think I finally was over my ex.

    Im still dating the girl, going on almost a year. She’s amazing and I’m so happy with her

  9. Took 2 years. Did nothing but party and talk to a bunch of women. Now, I’m so over going out and partying. I can say I’m still sad about it the break up because she took my Dog in the end and completely disappeared. I’ll never trust again.

  10. First real GF took me a good year to get over.

    Everyone after that, I was over them pretry fast but life is much busier so I don’t have time to get hung up on shit.

    Many flock to OLD for quick hookups or a short rebound relationship. This is very selfish and might bring some short term happiness, but you might also fuck with other innocent people’s emotions in the process. If you are sad and depressed acoid drinking as that only amplifies it, and increased the risk you making stupid decisions.

  11. I objectively looked at the relationship and tried to acknowledge why it was bad. But they’re still on my mind sometimes, I just recognize that I’m better off now.

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