Could you give me some advice please

M(44) F(35)

Sorry for my bad english in advance. I need someone who gives me some advice.

I’ve been seeing him for two years. He treated me bad(beated me once when he was drunk but he doesn’t remember)

he abused me mentally and sexually. ( when he beated me my friends told me i should go to police so I went there but I was afraid to proceed. The police said they want to investigate him right away because they thought he is a very bad person but I couldn’t decide anything. I was too afraid.

We are still seeing but I’m confused what is this. Because he still treats me bad but sometimes he told me I ruined his life that. He is trying to say all happened was my fault and if I didn’t go to police everything would be fine with our relationship but because I went to police he told we couldn’t go back.

And he still meets me but he always say we shouldn’t meet.

Can you advise what is our mind? And his mind?

I’m confused about him

  1. He is purposefully confusing you.

    Think about it this way: He says everything would be good between the two of you IF you hadn’t gone to the police.

    BUT he beat you. He did that BEFORE you went to the police. So what he is saying is a lie. Everything would NOT be great if you hadn’t gone to the police.

    You say he treats you bad and my advice is: that’s all you need to know. He treats you bad and nobody deserves that. Leave him so you can find someone that is consistently nice to you.

  2. I understand, and I think I should. But he makes me sometimes confused. What does he want from me?

  3. Take some agency for your own life. Make good choices for yourself. Stop meeting up with this abusive person. Accept that he is abusive. Seek therapy to figure out why you are keeping yourself stuck in this horrible, toxic, harmful, going no-where situation.

  4. He will kill you. You need to cut all ties with him immediately and follow through with a restraining order and police charges.

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