How do you feel when you hear about stories like Johnny Depp and Justin Roiland having their careers ended and lives ruined by unconfirmed accusations, and ones that turn out to be false? Do you worry that the same could happen to you or do you think it’s not a big deal?

  1. Im neither rich nor famous enough to worry about those things in regards to myself but it seems like a trend where we shpuld ask ourselves if that is the best we can do.

  2. I do not care how it works. People are easily manipulated into believing what they want to believe even if it is wrong. Humans have been lying from the beginning of time and if you are surprised it happens now, you are just immature.

  3. Injustice anywhere ought to offend the sensibilities of an honorable man, and an honorable society.


    I don’t live in fear of it. But I acknowledge it exists, and move accordingly. I don’t befriend women, I don’t work with or around them if I can avoid it, certainly never alone with them, and I don’t speak with them unless I have no other option.

  4. When did Johnny Depp have his career ended? He was on tour with his rock band right after the trial and he’s got a new movie coming up.

  5. Yes. Its a core fear. But many things in life are scary, and i wont let fear dictate how i live my life.

  6. Emmett Till was tortured to death because of a false accusation. The number of black men rotting in prison for false rape accusations from white women is probably very high. Such accusations have *always* been dangerous to men who weren’t of a certain skin colour and economic class.

    The only thing that’s changed recently is that consequences can actually happen to rich white men too, although not with anywhere near the same severity. I feel a lot worse for the guy rotting in prison for a false rape accusation than the jet-setting multi-millionaire celebrity who’s worried about his reputation.

  7. I do not worry about it any more than I worry about other unlikely things.

  8. Has happened to me. False accusations are extremely under reported and its near impossible for accountablity if they are made, as the justice system is very much guilty till proven innocent and do not want women to be afraid to report crimes.

  9. When it happens to someone? That’s horrible. But I rejoice when it works out in favor of the falsely accused.

    Do I fear that would happen to me? No. I don’t trust people enough anymore, plus I’m not rich. It would be hard to gain any ground for accusations, and barely anything to gain out of it.

  10. Everyday. I don’t go to meetings with just women I don’t go in elevators with just women. All it takes is one & you’re toast at your job. Outside of work I don’t worry too much.

  11. I’m not paranoid but also not naive. I always take to avoid situations or conversations that could be problematic.

    Women love the poisoned M&M analogy, and while I don’t mistrust 99% of women, all it takes is 1 to ruin your whole life.

  12. Not a big deal for me since it’s not exactly common, but the fact that stuff like this happens with the compliance of lots of people, including people with a voice and in positions of power, sends one hell of a message. It’s not absurd to presume the worst of all possibilities because of that.

  13. It can happen to regular guys too. If I had an office job with female coworkers I would be very careful especially if its a good paying job that you want to keep. Thankfully I don’t work in an office.

  14. I just avoid situations that put me at a disadvantage. I know that I’m a big, ugly, creepy guy, so I have to make myself as small and non-threatening as possible already. I just add onto it by not being alone with another woman whom I do not trust

  15. I am not a famous millionaire celebrity like Depp. I have no fame at all. so that’s the least of my worry. lol

  16. It’s been a concern for me since the early 90s. Fortunately I’ve never been seriously accused of anything. As a man you have to trust many women to treat you fairly over your lifetime. I have treated women in my personal life differently out of concern of false accusations.

    I was once actually intimidated by a woman into having sex with her out of fear she would accuse me of something if I didn’t.

    I was once in upper management at a large corporation. Discrimination and harassment accusations were a constant concern. If I talk about how I had to treat women differently I usually get a lot of responses like “They can’t do that” or “That’s not true”.

  17. It can happen to anyone for what reason unfortunately, so it’s a pretty big deal when the false accuser typically gets off scott-free. Something definitely needs to happen to fix this issue as a form of deformation of character or something. Because women have weaponized it under the “believe all women” nonsense. Specially since I believe it’s something beneficial for the bad apples to take advantage of.

  18. Not because Johnny Depp is a fuckin idiot. He knew Amber Heard was a nut job and stayed in a relationship with her.

  19. Did Justin Roiland’s accusations end up being false? I’m kind of out of the loop

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