For me is definitely write silly songs or funny short stories. Used to do that on birthdays and anniversaries. Haven’t done it in a while. Not sure if creativity in general has been zapped out of me, or just the normal wear & tear of being with someone for almost 20 years

  1. Truthfully a lot. I’m trying to get back there. One thing I can think of is maybe really looking in each other’s eyes and kissing.

  2. Didn’t exactly stop. They just evolved. Use to send a goofy good morning text….. now I draw pictures of dicks on the mirror after I shower so they reappear later on when she showers.

  3. Spontaneous and unprompted *hunny-do list* type things. But I didn’t stop out of laziness, I stopped because it wasn’t appreciated.

    Never once got so much as a, “Thank you.”

  4. Been together almost 30 years. I’ll be completely honest, nothing. Not as often sometimes, but I still bring bouquets of flowers for no reason but to see her smile.

    I still caress her. I still hold her. Massage her feet and calves with warm lotion. (Men, do this for your wife). I still ask her to sit on my lap so I can hold her.

    It’s how we’ve raised two kids to be self sufficient adults. Stayed together for this long. And why after all this time, while we’re walking together, she still reaches her hand out to hold mine.

  5. Go salsa dancing, she’s 36 and still loves to dance, I’m 50, hate clubs (crowds) and I’m tired by midnight.

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