So I (23 male) was seeing someone (22 female). Nothing too serious, but she wanted it to end and just be friends.

I’ll be honest, the just being friends thing has never been my thing. It’s really hard for me to take back feelings and it’s so much easier for me to just cut off contact completely. But, doing that has resulted in some people being upset in the past. I haven’t cut this girl off or anything yet, but I kind of want to just because I do really like her still. I’m a sap and catch feelings quick.

TL;DR – I just want to know, am I wrong for preferring to cut things off completely? Should I figure out myself better so I can just throw romantic feelings out the window and be friends?

1 comment
  1. You need to start watching Coach Corey Wayne on YouTube.

    If she wants to be friends and you want romance – tell her you arnt interested in friendship and move on.

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