[Serious] What has been the lowest point in your life so far?

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  2. What’s your definition of low? Depression? Few ladies fit that bill with long nights stuck in my head. Broke? Paid for a gallon of gas in quarters once because I had to get to/from work in early college. Drugs/alcohol? Had a slight problem late college. Hopeless situation? Car broke down 50 miles from home once, didn’t have money for a tow. My life is a trainwreck.

  3. The year after I graduated high school. I went from being in *great* shape and having a promising future to jumping between dead end jobs while burning through my bank account and doing fuck-all besides playing video games and smoking cigarettes.

  4. Was going to commit suicide in August. Luckily, my wife noticed something was off and intervened the night before I planned to do it.

  5. 3rd and 4th year of college. I became very troubled and developed a very negative outlook of life.

  6. The last few months since the break up. Had no job either and been drinking the pain and sadness away.

    Things are slowly going up for me but that pain still lingers like a demon over my shoulders.

  7. Getting married right as Covid hit, then getting laid off a few weeks later and having to move to a different city away from friends/family. Ended up being a blessing in disguise but was extremely stressful at the time

  8. My life is full of low points tbh but nothing beats 2007-2008. I was 8 years old back then and my family started a business but it failed and we had huge financial issues to the point where we had to sell a lot of our belongings and we strictly followed 1 meal only per day as a lifestyle for a long time and father knew about all that and yet he decided to stop paying for support. It was really so shitty I’m glad that every single family member is in a better place now

  9. This month. Lotta bad years leading up to it, but it’s been a sharp decline in this past year and especially the last couple of months. I have no clue what I’m going to do from here.

  10. Last few months. Can’t shake this thought that what I’m doing is pointless because of how bleak the future seems. Still working on myself and accomplishing goals, but I can’t find contentment or any real end goal that would make me happy.

  11. Every day waking up is a reminder of all my regrets. I haven’t had a day better then the last in so many years. I don’t recall a day i wasn’t laying on bedrock.

  12. Right now. I’m about to be kicked out of university and have lost all will to live. I’m just surviving day by day

  13. Not to sound cringe. But it’s been a constant low grade depressive episode my entire life. I’ve always felt a little bad. So I guess… all of it? I’m hoping it will get better soon though. I know what I have to do, I just have to make myself do it for once

  14. Pretty much the whole thing but probably being stuck in the hospital for five weeks after my transplant was the absolute worst.

  15. was a good student and dating the valedictorian a year older than me, covid hit my senior year, almost failed highschool, had a self harm problem, joined the navy and got kicked out for unknown preexisting bone low density (after getting multiple stress fractures in boot camp) after i was sent home i had to stay in a barn in my family’s backyard and was diagnosed with covid and cancer simultaneously. After weeks of trying to find a surgeon willing to operate on someone with active covid, my gf of 3 years decided it was too much and started seeing her coworker on the side.

    doing much better now! worked a full time and 2 part time jobs over the next year and was able to move myself out of the barn

  16. I almost went bankrupt at 23 as a new homeowner, not exactly bankrupt but I did the maths and worked out my income could only support my expenses for another 8 months, was very bleak news at the home.

    Thankfully I found a better job before then but I was looking bad for a while.

  17. Hard to tell.. was that 6 months of alcoholism after the divorce? Was it receiving the news of my father’s death in March? Is it just last 7 years in general? I don’t know.

    I remember that there were brighter days, back when I was a kid or even a messed up teenager. And I don’t remember getting lower in morale than last years. But it’s hard for me to determine the *lowest point*, because while things are not great, they could’ve gotten worse, and I feel relatively at peace.

  18. Oh man. 21-24 was fairly miserable. Relationship was tanking and ended, family was being ridiculous, I didn’t have the tools to handle my anxiety, life stressed me out and felt hopeless, I lost motivation to take care of myself, the early career wasn’t where I wanted it to be, education was being a pain, I was miserable.

    Then, when my long term relationship ended, I was too depressed to face the world. I just felt like a complete failure and a fool for putting so much effort into this one person (gave her my heart but she wanted my soul). All my friends were getting real jobs, and I was working as a concierge. During my breaks I would sit on a curb outside and wish that I would disappear.

    But eventually, my meds started working, I started therapy, I started to invest in myself again, I leaned on my social circle for employment connections. Slowly but surely I did the little things needed to get better, and a few years later I feel like a completely different person. The difference is night and day.

    It got better basically.

  19. I think the lowest point in my life was when I was homeless, and my entire family and friends group turned their back on me.

    having that happen to me, gave me the internal resolve to fix my shit, I was housed and gainfully employed with in a year, and I went back to school

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