Me F31 with M37

This guy I met, went out 4 times and each date lasted at least 10 hours. I could tell he was a very “quality time” kind of guy, and he would not touch his phone at all the whole time he is with me. When we are out we usually like to just sit somewhere and talk, and talk.

Once we were drinking and I was tired so had a rest at his place – (and no, we have not slept together) He was supposed to clear up his work that night but because of me he pushed that off and when I felt bad about it, he told me about how he didn’t want to work that day anymore anyway, he said “I can only focus on one thing at a time and for today I’m not going to think about work and am only focusing on you”).

Understandably , this also means that when we are not together, I wouldn’t hear from him much.
I noticed from the beginning about his lack of texting – he wouldn’t reply if it doesn’t warrant a reply, if I send him a meme, for example. which is okay! Since I get to talk to him in real life anyway).

Here’s the issue:

He was leaving on a work trip for 2 weeks and right on the day he returns, I would be going out of town for a planned vacation. This would mean we probably wouldn’t see each other for at least 3 weeks.

So far it’s been good and I really like him and despite me usually being cynical with people (have had bad experiences in the past) I thought I wanted to try just…. Having faith? You know? Like, not holding back, express my feelings, be vulnerable.

Before he left I ordered a book delivered to his house as he mention he was thinking of reading this on his trip. Knowing he skips meals a lot, I also passed him a small box of granol and nuts when we last saw each other.

I also if he will send me photos when he is there he said yes, and asked me back the same – if I would send him photos of my vacation.

I took all these to mean that it’s clear I like him and want to see him, and damn I was so proud of myself.

After he arrives, he sent me some photos of buildings and food on day 1. I happened to be online so we talked for a bit. He was the same (not much of a texter) and when the convo is obviously fizzling he stopped replying.

Which would be ok! Except he didn’t reach out at all again. On day 5 I sent him a quick photo of a nice view and said “sending my regards from up here!” He did not reply. (Does that not warrant a reply?)

It is day 8 now and now it’s really starting to get to me. I understand he doesn’t enjoy texting but — Wouldn’t that mean we won’t talk at all for the next 3 weeks? Or am I simply just ghosted?

How do I continue “having faith”? I have been working on myself the past years and been through tons of therapy and I’m really trying not to let my avoidance and fear of abandonment set in but damn.

TLDR: guy I’ve met for a month goes on a work trip for a week and has not reached out / replied.

  1. Maybe you are just not compatible…

    It’s okay for him to not want to text, it doesn’t necessarily mean he doesn’t like you, but he’s not a texter or someone that needs constant contact.

    It’s also okay for you to want that from someone. I would prefer more contact.

    I wouldn’t make a big deal of it for now, just take notice and take care of yourself first

  2. I don’t know what kind of work he does. Let me explain to you. What my work trip this would be like. Breakfast meeting in the morning with work colleagues or clients, work on project, working lunch with colleagues or client, work on project, dinner with colleagues or client, exhaustion, sleep, repeat.

    There is usually very little time that you have for yourself other than sleeping.

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