Me and my girlfriend were together for the last 6 months and it was going great. Only the odd argument here and there nothing crazy. We were both so happy and In love it was honestly perfect. About 2 months ago now we went on a break as she lost feelings for me. She said this was down to her mental health which she has had for years and that she wants the break in hopes that she recaptures those feelings. After 3 weeks of the break she decides to end things completely saying that it’s down to her mental health, she needs to be single and work on herself.

The problem is we work together in the same office building and it’s made it 10x worse as we see each other everyday but we don’t speak or look at each other. We don’t speak or message outside of work either. So I need some advice on what to do how to act in work and outside to try and get her to recapture what we had. I’m trying the no contact approach but I’m not sure if this is the best thing to do. We both still have all the pictures and voice messages saved in our chats as well as the 18+ pics of us so I’m not sure if that’s a sign if there is still anything. I really love this girl and even though we’re young I feel as if she’s the one. My heart is shattered and I’m not sure what to do and just need some advice, any will help. Is the no contact the right thing or should I try a different approach? I haven’t spoken to her at all in work unless it’s just something like 2 words. When we ended the relationship we both said we’d stay friends and on text she was being extremely nice but in person its not the case with us just not speaking. Should I do something little like leave a note or give her a card or flowers or just continue with the no contact? Any advice would be much appreciated!

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  2. No gifts, no nothing. Give her what she wants. Space and freedom. You will not bribe her back into anything lasting.

    All you can do is move on. Improve yourself in any way you can. That will make you more attractive to her, and more importantly, other women. That doesn’t mean she’ll come back, just the only shot you have.

  3. She intimated the break up because this relationship would not be successful due to her mental helath. So, if she says she needs time and to work on herself, she will be the only one who can know when she’s ready to date again, whether or not that’s with you we don’t know. She wants space, so leave her alone. Gifts, notes, etc are only going to push her away more and even make her think you can’t respect her boundaries. Maybe you can write a letter expressing how much you miss her. Get all the lovey dovey feelings out. But don’t give her the letter. Because she wants space. She knows she can reach out to you whenever she’s ready, you don’t need to “prove” yourself she already knows the type of guy you are, so when she wants the relationship again (if at all) she’ll reach out to you.

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