Before midschool I never could maintained friendships outside school, it was just not the same and I felt I was outgrowing my friendships. In highschool I started to keep contact with my bestie and it worked. I never had many friends it goes down to 1 friend for several years. I feel some anxiety in social situations as well as a numbness and dryness in my speech it is so weird because with the friend I already have like there is a spark you know? We click and it is a blast and laugh out loud moments I find myself content and homorous, Im quirky but endearing, but dont’ know how to showcase this with more people who dont click with me inmediatly and engage in small talk and politness that dont lead anywhere. I’ve never made friends and aqquaintances this way. So it is pretty accidental, yet, I do want to talk to certain people but it takes an unreal amount of time to get me to talk to them and to, like, become friends. And well, If we do click it will probably just be with one person of many.
So I want to be able to talk the people I want showcase myself, be charming, and make the other person feel warm and liked.

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