yes, he’s basically been sourcing pictures everywhere .. here on Reddit, Instagram, sex worker websites, leaked pic forums etc. he combines them with porn. He has recently started seeing a therapist because it was hurting our sex life and his mental health generally. Is the picture -porn combo something a lot of people do? I assume he sort of fantasises that the women in the pictures are the one in the porn videos. My big issue is just that I feel so god damn unattractive now. I have accidentally seen some of the women he has been obsessing over..and they are just young and slim and makes me feel old and fat. I know deep down that I am attractive but I just keep comparing myself to them even though my partner keeps saying there’s no comparison. Fuck..just hate feeling insecure. Any words of wisdom / ways of looking at this that makes it feel less bleak?

  1. Break up with him. This will just get worse as he ages and he will start to seeking underage or barely of age women and be on the verge of being a pedophile. Imagine him as a 58 year old man looking at and getting off to pictures of 18 year olds…

  2. Looking at porn is like watching a movie/tv show with attractive movie stars. It’s nice but just not real life. It’s far better to be with a real person who you like to be with and can actually touch and live life together. If he’s saying he wants to be with you, listen to him.

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