Anything related to your family, an accident, etc?

  1. Who knows. Never looked into it myself. Would rather trust a specialist with that stuff.. if I find one, that is.

  2. I haven’t gone to therapy and I haven’t seen any reason to.

    Every time a dog barks, I get a visible shake / jump up. It’s a classic trauma response (I was attacked by a German shepherd as a kid).

    I used to be scared of dogs, but after seeing my friends dog go from 6-week old puppy to full grown large dog, im not scared of dogs anymore. I still shake / jump though.

  3. I *don’t* have any trauma; that’s why I haven’t gone to therapy.

    Don’t get me wrong, I have my own weirdnesses and pathologies that I deal with, but I don’t really feel the need to speak to some paid professional about them. I do my own reading and research, I spend a ton of personal time psychoanalyzing, and I hash out some things with others online anonymously to figure out if my own framing makes sense.

    I’m just not interested in paying money to have someone listen to me ramble about myself. I’m perfectly capable of rambling my thoughts off in my own time with the world’s best expert in myself (me) there to figure out what’s the most likely problem.

  4. Dont remember the name but the biggest symptom of the trauma is feeling like crying for no reason when you start shouting or get angry

  5. Extensive childhood trauma, some sexual trauma, wreckage from a run in college that ended with me burning out and dropping out, medical stuff from taking care of my mother for years up through when she passed away. A nice sampler platter.

    I saw a community psych to try to get medicine, but free and cheap therapy was all booked solid and nothing was available, and therapy is extremely expensive and a long term proposition, so as someone who’s broke and uninsured it’s never been an option.

  6. Am I supposed to look for reasons to feel like I’m fucked up?

    I know online dating apps and sites has skewed my perception of what women want and my own market value. I’m not sure that qualifies as trauma.

  7. Normal people don’t go to therapy. Not every unpleasant life event is trauma.

    Are people so lacking in resilience these days?

  8. Getting stabbed in the chest, it was 1cm from my lung.

    Sometimes if I get poked in the chest, I feel like I’m bleeding, even though it was over a decade ago.

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