I’m bipolar type 1 . And maybe it is related to hypomania and mania due to hypersexuality component. Not sure if my sexual relations with others in the past is normal or okay and if it is tied to my illness.

I feel 95 percent of my sexual relationships are not long term ones before. Could be strangers. But often more like friendships. Having various friends at the same time that sometimes involved sexual intimacy but in my opinion no romantic component. As though we recognize that is how it is and not something else.

Rather feel awkward. But maybe it is not just tied to bipolar and more common than I realize. Thank you

  1. You’re certainly not the first person I’ve ever heard of who has multiple FWB-style relationships. Dunno how “common” it is necessarily, but that doesn’t sound wildly outside the norm.

    But I’m not sure that’s the right question for you to ask. Instead, I’d ask yourself two questions:

    * Are you hurting anybody? Are you getting checked for STIs multiple times per year, like any good promiscuous human should? Do you ever get people into bed under the false pretense of a desire for a romantic connection or exclusivity? Or do all your sex partners know exactly what they’re getting from you when they’re getting it?
    * Are you hurting yourself? Are you doing this because it’s fun and exciting, or because it’s a compulsion? Does the Eternal Quest for Pussy ever cause you to ignore things you would rather be doing or even NEED to be doing? Do you feel out of control, unable to stop if you wanted to?

    If you’re not hurting anybody and you’re not fucking-up your own life, you’re fine. Maybe it’s somehow tied to your mental illness (sympathies, bipolar can be a bastard), but if it’s not doing any harm and is actually a source of joy in your life, who cares? Just keep being up-front with your partners about what you are and aren’t bringing to the table and keep living your best life.

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