men, what has been your greatest struggle?

  1. Finding meaning. I do a lot of cool stuff, but in a few generations, it will all be forgotten. What am I doing here on this planet and is there more to life than gratification and consumption?

  2. Getting a full 8 hours of sleep and eating breakfast in the morning without feeling guilty or burdensome for doing so.

  3. Realizing I have to see my ex-wife for the next who knows how many years because of our child.

  4. Accepting being alone, it’s taken over 30 years but I’ve finally reached the point of not caring one little bit anymore. Does not mean I am happy, just that I don’t care anymore.

  5. Silencing my inner critic. He just never let’s up or misses the opportunity to remind me how much better everyone else is at everything than I am. The criticism isn’t even always true, but I have to listen to it anyway. It’s exhausting.

  6. Getting women tbh. I make good income have houses and everything but man dating is a train wreck rn. Def need to work on my game because the good looks and money isn’t helping

  7. Not dying. I want it so much, and think about it every hour, but i must stay alive and take care for the cats.

  8. My first gf reached out to me some time back and she said ” you will always love me” somehow I think she will always be right….but i struggle to accept that everyday.

  9. My greatest struggle has been my weight for most of my adult life. I’ve been fat since my late teens. Around age 65, I was finally able to lose weight and keep the weight off.

  10. Personally, I guess nothing gets worse than loneliness. There’s also just the normal stuff like job market and what not

  11. Personally i find difficult to interact with women without looking “flirty” and interested, the thing is that’s how I’ve always was ever since i was a young, mostly because i was raised mostly around woman’s so i have a much better time socializing with them rather than males. And i aways end up giving the impression I’m consenting the other part to move on me, and that’s absolutely not the case cus I’m married and decidedly loyal In my relationship, i lost account off how many times i was caught into uncomfortable situations because of this.

    Now I’m not sure if the problem is entirely me or if most women are just used to be treated poorly by Man, but that’s the impression i get where i live.

  12. My nationality. I find myself volunteering for jobs my European peers would get paid 6 figures for, not that I’m underqualified, I have a European degree myself, but no one wants a foreigner unless they’re already here illegally and you have to accept them. I don’t wanna degrade myself and seek sketchy methods to stay here, and at the same time, going back home means an eternity of unemployment.

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