It has be more than just “ seeing “ someone , it has to be a handshake , a greeting , solid one on one eye contact with acknowledgment.

  1. Probably the most universally recognized person is Michael Jordan. It’s a long story how I (barely) knew him, but would occasionally walk with him from the locker room to his car. Sometimes he’d have a little entourage of his celebrity friends and sometimes just his wife and kid.

  2. I’ve met a lot of famous people. The most famous probably depends on your viewpoint.

    Politics-wise, I met Sen. Chuck Schumer and discussed the diet of goats with him.

    I met Dylan McDermott, Taye Diggs, Kate Hudson, the late Ric Ocasek of The Cars, Eve Ensler, Fabrizio Moretti of The Strokes, supermodel Helena Christensen, and probably some more I’m forgetting.

    My favorites out of the people I’ve met are Mick Foley and Stan Lee.

  3. Tom Holland came into my Starbucks while I was working back in 2020. I’ve also met Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Mitt Romney.

  4. Gary Sinise. He’s really nice.

    Dick Cheney, on the other hand, creeped me the fuck out.

  5. Maybe.. Louis CK? (Before the drama).

    After him would be Hannibal Buress or Jim Jeffries. Come to think of it, I met a lot of standup comedians – though most a bit more niche. Judah Friedlander was super duper humble, Jim Norton farted on me, Gabriel Iglesias loves dark-humor than expected, Jay Mohr talked about WoW, etc.

    Outside of comedy, Victor Wooten is probably the most famous musician. That was a real treat.

  6. I met Magic Johnson at an autograph signing 20 years ago. I still have the basketball he signed.

  7. The late Senator Mark Hatfield of Oregon. It was unexpected as he walked up to me and introduced himself, asked my name, checked to see if I was related to someone else he knew (I wasn’t) and made some small talk before he gave his presentation.

    Hatfield is little-known today, but he had been a powerful and admired political figure for years. Tall, handsome, with the charisma to spare that top politicians so often have. I was dumbstruck at the time.

    I couldn’t say a word. Nowadays, I have found out that we have some connections, as I have become a fellow freemason and likely had mutual acquaintances, but that didn’t happen until later.

  8. I’ve met many famous people at conventions. Probably the most famous would be George Takei.

  9. Jason Sudekis and I were both on a late night tv show together. I was one of the musical guests (playing in a band), he was the actual guest. Nice guy! He wore a suit made of dog toys. I (and the rest of the band) were wearing dog costumes. It was a fun bit.

  10. Larry the cable guy said I looked like a hill billy Harry Potter when I was 14.

  11. I was introduced to Jane Fonda for a brief moment as I passed her to get to a computer I was working on in the cubicle she was standing next to. That was when she was married to Ted Turner. I rode the elevator with him (just me and him) in the same building but he never looked up from his newspaper.

  12. Probably either Bruce Willis or Buzz Aldrin. Not sure which is more famous.

    I’ve met lots of figure skaters, at least the ones who were competing and skating in shows or otherwise on the scene in the 90s. Nicest one that I met was Scott Hamilton. Least favorite was Nancy Kerrigan.

  13. I’ve gotten pictures with the voice actors for Master Chief (Steve Downes) and Cortana (Jen Taylor), Ming-Na Wen and John Barrowman at some Comic Cons type events.

    Mrs. Taylor accidentally ruined ruined her signature on an image so she went to Mr. Downes booth right next to hers and got the same image and they both redid them, super nice about it and got to chat with them a bit, super cool experience.

  14. Dave Grohl. Met a friend at a tavern one night, Dave was there. We drank and talked with him all evening, he was friendly and a completely normal guy.

  15. Quentin Tarantino used to pop in to my old neighborhoods bar every now and then for drinks. Would occasionally have a drink and shoot the shit with us locals.

    Linda Hamilton used to live in the neighborhood and partake in local gatherings.

  16. I met Tony Danza in New York, my family was on vacation there and we were going to some cheese shop. My mother looked at one person behind the counter and said “That person looks like Tony Danza”, to which the other employee replied “Looks like Tony Danza? That is Tony Danza.” (Obviously paraphrasing)

    So anyway he walked over and said hi and talked with us for a few minutes.

  17. Where I grew up damn near everyone had a story involving meeting Robin Williams as he was a local. I never got to meet him, but his memorial was held down the street from the café I worked at the time, and many of his celebrity friends came in. The only ones I got to meet were Mike Myers and Jon Lovitz, who were obviously very sad. My coworkers met a bunch more celebrities, but I had already gone home. At the same café I met Huey Lewis, who is also a local, but I didn’t know who he was until someone pointed it out after.

  18. I was a waiter for Emmitt Smith in NJ. I have more interesting famous people stories though from around the world.

    I met a senior member of parliament from Burkina Faso in the elevator of a Tokyo hotel I was staying at for a month due to a job transfer. He was really nice and did’t look like a politician. I asked him what he was doing in Tokyo. He was like, “you probably don’t know my country” and I was like, “you mean formerly Upper Volta? I do!” which was pretty funny. We had a good chat.

    I met Taro Aso just before he was Prime Minister of Japan. It was a finance speech and meet and greet kind of thing.

    One day, my wife and I were out for our anniversary at the Mandarin in Tokyo and we were pretty tight and we met this older couple and they said they were meeting a friend – Franco Harris from the Pittsburgh Steelers in the 70s and asked if we wanted to meet him, but we were on our way home and kinda drunk so we declined. But I would have liked to have met a huge Steelers star from my childhood in Japan.

  19. Once, when I was in Panama City Beach, Florida (corca 2002), I met Lil Jon. There was a bar called Spinakers (I don’t know if it still exists) . Every night, we went to this massive bar/club/swimming pool. One night, a sketchy dude approached me and my friends and offered us a “vip package” for 50 bucks. At first I thought thought I was a scam bit I was drunk and me and two other friends bought it. Surprisingly, it did provide us with vip service in the sense that we were able to go to a bar upstairs that had air conditioning and cheap drinks. It also had no lines, obviously no one else bought the package. Just based on the perks of air-conditioning and no lines, it was worth the 50 bucks. Then one night we heard lil Jonq1 would be performing and we decided we wanted to see that. Long story short lil Jon performed and then he came upstairs to the VIPl1AREA, THE SAME ONE I WAS IN!!!!. He was sitting about 5 feet from me. He was really “lil”. We got to talking and I knew he was from Atlanta so i asked him about the braves. He told me “baseball is for white people” and so we then talked about the hawks and he really got into it. At one point in the comvo he said “here’s some Crunk juice” and gave me and my friends like 12 cases of his energy drink. After that it was obvious he wanted some lil John time and we left him alone. He ordered food for himself and his possee. Ot was cheeseburgers. People were devouring them and he said “better get at least one!!!! We got one to share and he left us be the rest of the night. Anyways that’s my little John story. Oh BTW one thing he did ask was no pictures. I at first thought that was bullshit bit they were doing coke alot and eventually it made sense

  20. I’m not a fair player of this game. My job is a little bit of handling famous people and after a while, they are familiar with you. I’m lucky to say I have no bad stories.

  21. My grandpa worked in MLB and MiLB front offices for decades and still has a lot of connections in the industry. I’ve been fortunate to meet many famous people in the sport through him. Probably the most famous I’ve spent time with is Alex Rodriguez.

    In second place, my next door neighbor is one of the captains on Deadliest Catch. I’d rather not say which one because his address is public and I don’t want to doxx myself.

  22. The most famous—or at least most memorable to me—was Carrie Fisher. She came to the theater I worked at to do her show for about a month. My now wife did wigs and makeup for this theater and got to be friends with her. Really nice woman.

  23. Al Sharpton bumped into me and knocked me to the ground. Didn’t even look back to see if I was OK, but we were in the middle of a huge crowd.

    I also met the guys from Less Than Jake. After I went to their show I was hanging out at a bar next door and they all came in to drink. I offered to buy them a drink and one of them said something along the lines of, “you and a few hundred others just spent $60 to see us play, let me buy you a drink.” I chatted with them for about 10 minutes.

  24. Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze during the filming of the final sky diving scene in Point Break

    Senator Robert C Byrd (I went to a high school in WV named for him and he came to visit)

    Governor Rick Scott while I was in college

    General Mulholland and Admiral McRaven on separate occasions when they presented awards to my battalion in Iraq

  25. R.L Stein! He went to my library as a child, and he even autographed my book, Goosebumps: Horrorland, Claws! But that book got really damaged so I stupidly trashed it. Looking back, I VIOLENTLY cringe when thinking about it. HE AUTOGRAPHED MY BOOK AND NOW ITS GONE. FUCK!

  26. George Jones. Who told me he was George Jones… and I didn’t “get it”

    We talked about the weather and other stuff for a few mins, while he was waiting to do something at my job. Nice guy. I just thought he was a farmer or something.

    Although I guess I also met the whole Cyrus family too… but billy was just some guy who’d had a hit several years back and the kids were little (pre Hannah Montana)

  27. Pedro Pascal just after the filming of Game of Thrones on a plane back to Chile. It’s crazy to see how famous he’s gotten now.

  28. Lots of NASCAR drivers with Richard Petty probably the most famous of the bunch. Paul Wight aka the Big Show at the airport. Also Henry Winkler.

  29. I worked out with Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage in the early nineties at my local gym. I didn’t recognize them until a few days later a photo of them shaking the gym owners hand was on the wall.

  30. I ran into Busy Phillips at a really small music festival in my town

    Edit: I also spoke to 9th Wonder at a small DJ set at a museum event

  31. Sharon Osbourne, Howie Mandel, Piers Morgan and Nick Cannon at a filming of America’s Got Talent in lile 2010.

    Met the members of Blink-182 in around 2006 at a small venue in Olympia, Washington.

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